
Stringer weak, Yang could be 2021 NYC mayoral contender, poll shows

Tech entrepreneur and one-time Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang could shake up the crowded 2021 field to replace Mayor Bill de Blasio if he opts to jump in the race, according to a poll obtained by The Post.

The survey also shows that Yang’s entry into the race would complicate city Comptroller Scott Stringer’s efforts to frame the race as a two-man fight with Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.

Twenty percent of respondents said that Yang would be their top pick of the 2021 primary were held today, while 14 percent listed Adams and just 11 percent named Stringer.

Another heavily rumored candidate, former Council Speaker Christine Quinn netted just 7 percent, former top de Blasio adviser Maya Wiley also received 7 percent and soon-to-be former Congressman Max Rose got 6 percent.

“Mayor Stringer may be in the same vein as Mayor Quinn, Mayor Ferrer, Mayor Greene,” said one political insider, referencing a slew of recent high-profile mayoral campaigns once viewed as heavy favorites only to eventually flame out.

“A poll like this shows that it’s a wide-open race,” the person added. “With formidable candidates entering, Scott plunges.”

No other candidate cleared five percent.

“For Andrew Yang to have as much name recognition as established citywide political figures, that’s the thing,” said another source. “He starts from a strong place.”

Yang appears to believe as much — Politico New York reported Monday that he was making calls to other elected leaders to gauge potential support for a 2021 bid.

The Slingshot Strategies survey interviewed 1,000 Democratic voters between Nov. 30 and Dec. 6 who are likely to vote in the June primary. It carries a 3.1 percent margin of error.

“Scott Stringer is the only candidate who has actually run and won citywide, and it’s hard to put much stock in a poll that includes at least three candidates who aren’t even in the race,” said Cameron Hellerman, a spokesman with the Comptroller’s mayoral campaign. 

The poll also found that likely Democratic primary voters give Gov. Andrew Cuomo high marks with 79 percent saying they viewed him favorably — and 45 percent saying they have a “very favorable” impression.

The verdict is far less kind for Mayor Bill de Blasio. Just 46 percent of primary voters told the pollsters they have a favorable view of Hizzoner with only 17 percent saying that view is “very favorable.”

The antipathy carries over to potential 2021 Democratic primary endorsements, where Hizzoner’s nods will carry less weight and more baggage than that of his Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent-turned-Democratic predecessor, Michael Bloomberg.

Three-in-five voters told pollsters that getting Bloomberg’s nod would make them more likely to support a candidate, while just 12 percent would consider it a drawback.

Only 39 percent of Democratic voters view a de Blasio endorsement as a positive, while 34 percent told pollsters it would make them less likely to back a candidate.

The result is all-the-more remarkable because de Blasio’s election in 2013 was seen as a rebuke to Bloomberg’s three terms in office — as he ran on the theme that Bloomberg had created a ‘Tale of Two Cities’ with rent hikes and heavy use of the now-unconstitutional stop-and-frisk policing tactics.

One speaker at de Blasio’s initial inauguration went so far as to describe Bloomberg’s New York as a “plantation.”

“Michael Bloomberg hasn’t run for City office since 2013 and has spent billions of dollars to advertise his name, meanwhile the Mayor is an incumbent who is working through the toughest crisis New York City has faced in generations,” said City Hall press secretary Bill Neidhardt, chalking up the numbers to the passage of time. “Big apples to billionaire oranges.”