
EU says it will boost efforts to save Iran nuclear deal despite violations

Despite Iran declaring that it will boost production of enriched uranium by 20 percent, its latest breach of the nuclear deal, the European Union said Tuesday that it will redouble efforts to save the 2015 agreement.

A spokesman for the 27-member trading bloc said it is in everyone’s interests to continue the accord and ensure that Iran continues to abide by the deal signed by the EU and several global powers.

“We are highly concerned by the measures taken by Iran. This action is in breach of Iran’s nuclear commitments and will have serious implications when it comes to nuclear nonproliferation,” spokesman Peter Stano said Tuesday, referring to the Islamic Republic’s announcement. “It is regrettable but it is also highly important … that we maintain the agreement.”

The ramping up of uranium enrichment is the latest violation of the accord by Iran since President Trump withdrew the US from the deal in 2018 and reimposed sanctions.

Iran notified the International Atomic Energy Agency that it was boosting last week — a critical step that puts Iran on the path to reach weapons-grade levels of 90 percent.

Israel was poised to launch an airstrike against Iran’s nuclear facilities when Tehran announced an intent to enrich uranium a decade ago.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the action was “fully reversible” if other nations complied fully with the accord.

The decision appeared to be an attempt by Iran to gain some leverage as the Trump administration winds down and participants in the accord call on President-elect Joe Biden to rejoin the deal.

It comes amid increasing tensions in the region over the first anniversary of the US drone strike that killed Iranian military commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani at the Baghdad airport and Iran’s seizure of a South Korean tanker.

With Post wires