
Trump awards Rep. Jim Jordan the Medal of Freedom

President Trump on Monday awarded Rep. Jim Jordan the Medal of Freedom at a private ceremony amid fallout from last week’s Capitol riot.

The White House released an afternoon statement hailing the Ohio Republican for his investigatory work under the Obama and Trump administrations.

Jordan “worked to unmask the Russia hoax and take on Deep State corruption — confronting senior Justice Department officials for obstructing Congress and exposing the fraudulent origins of the Russia collusion lie,” the White House said.

“His work helped to unearth malfeasance at the highest levels of the United States Government.”

Jordan “led the effort to confront the impeachment witch hunt” and “is an inspiration to freedom-loving Americans everywhere and has distinguished himself as one of the most consequential members of Congress of his generation,” the release said.

The White House also celebrated Jordan’s role investigating, under President Barack Obama, the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups, the Operation Fast and Furious gun-running scandal involving Mexican cartels and the events surrounding a 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

“He also fought against the Justice Department program known as ‘Operation Chokepoint’ — an early form of cancel culture and ‘de-platforming’ directed at law-abiding gun owners,” the White House said.

Jordan’s honor was not televised and neither the White House nor Jordan’s office released a detailed readout of the event.

Jordan was a member of Trump’s defense team when Democrats impeached him the first time — for pressuring Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s job at Ukrainian energy firm Burisma while his father led the US’s Ukraine policy.

Jordan was due to receive the honor since before the Capitol rampage. Fellow Trump ally Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) received the award last week in a closed-door event attended by GOP legislators including House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).