US News

White House to announce Russian sanctions: report

The Biden White House is set to impose sanctions on Russia as retribution for the SolarWinds hack and efforts to meddle in US elections.

The penalties would be levied against Russian individuals and entities, and could be announced as soon as Thursday, according to Bloomberg News.

Under the move, the US is set to restrict about a dozen people — including government and intelligence officials — and approximately 20 groups, a source told the outlet. As many as 10 diplomats and officials will also be reportedly expelled from the country.

During a Tuesday call, President Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that “the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to Russia’s actions, such as cyber intrusions and election interference,” according to a White House readout.

Biden also discussed the possibility of a meeting between the leaders to address issues between the two nations.

President Biden made it clear that repercussions against Vladimir Putin and his country for their interference with U.S. policies.
Earlier this year, President Biden called Russian leader Vladimir Putin “a killer.” SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images

American intelligence officials have said they are confident Moscow tried to influence the 2020 election. Sanctions are expected to be handed down to Russian controlled outlets and individuals that sowed misinformation during the presidential race, Bloomberg reported.

The expected announcement comes after Biden ordered a January review into Russian election interference, US government website hacking, bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan and the poisoning of opposition leader Alexey Navalny.

The White House levied sanctions against Russian officials, over the attempted Navalny assassination and his subsequent arrest, under the US Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act in March.

SolarWinds was one of the topics President Biden discussed when revealing that sanctions against the Russians will be coming.
The sanctions are in response to the SolarWinds hack and US election meddling. Reuters

Thursday’s announcement is expected to address the other three US grievances.

Russia called its Washington envoy back to Moscow in March, after Biden called Putin a “killer.”

Russia has denied meddling in elections, poisoning critics or moving to kill US troops.

For its part, Moscow has said it expects “nothing positive” from the Biden administration.