US News

Michelle Obama worries about racial profiling when daughters drive alone

Former first lady Michelle Obama has revealed she is terrified that even her two daughters will be racially profiled when they’re in the car alone.

“Every time they get in a car by themselves, I worry about what assumption is being made by somebody who doesn’t know everything about them,” she told CBS of her and former President Obama’s two kids, 22-year-old Malia and 19-year-old Sasha.

“The fact that they are good students and polite girls, but maybe they’re playing their music a little loud, maybe somebody sees the back of their head and makes an assumption,” Michelle said in an interview snippet aired Friday on “CBS This Morning.’’

“I, like so many parents of black kids … the innocent act of getting a license puts fear in our hearts,’’ she said.

“Many of us [blacks] still live in fear as we go to the grocery store, walking our dogs.

“I think we have to talk about it more. And we have to ask our fellow citizens to listen a bit more, and to believe us, and to know we don’t wanna be out there marching.’’

Then-President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama with their daughters Malia (left) and Sasha in 2016. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Both Michelle and former President Obama said in a statement after last month’s conviction of white former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin in the death of black man George Floyd, “While today’s verdict may have been a necessary step on the road to progress, it was far from a sufficient one.

“We cannot rest,’’ added the Obamas, the country’s first black president and first lady.

Former first lady Michelle Obama said “so many parents of black kids … the innocent act of getting a license puts fear in our hearts,.” NAACP via Getty Images

Michelle told CBS interviewer Gayle King in the sit-down that the former First Couple released such a strong statement because “in certain times, people, you know, look to us often.

“‘Well, what do you think? How do you feel?’ We know that while we’re all breathing a sigh of relief over the verdict, there’s still work to be done,’’ Michelle said. “And so we can’t sort of say, ‘Great. That happened. Let’s move on.’

“I know that people in the black community don’t feel that way because many of us still live in fear,’’ she said.

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Former First Lady Michelle Obama said her daughters Malia (center) and Sasha (left) “are good students and polite girls.”
Former first lady Michelle Obama with her daughters Malia (center) and Sasha. Getty Images
Former First Lady Michelle Obama is worried her daughters, Malia (left) and Sasha, will be racially profiled when they’re driving alone.
Michelle Obama says in an upcoming CBS interview that she’s worried that Malia (left) and Sasha will be racially profiled when they’re driving alone. AFP via Getty Images
Former First Lady Michelle Obama claims “Many of us [blacks] still live in fear as we go to the grocery story, walking our dogs.”
In the interview, Michelle Obama says that “many of us [blacks] still live in fear as we go to the grocery store, walking our dogs.” Getty Images

“I mean, all those Black Lives Matters kids, they’d rather not have to worry about this,’’ Michelle said.

“They’re taking to the streets because they have to,’’ she said of the movement, which gained international momentum after Floyd’s death.

“They’re trying to have people understand that we’re real folks and the fear that many have of so many of us is irrational,’’ Michelle said. “ And it’s based on a history that is just, it’s sad, and it’s dark.

“And it’s time for us to move beyond that.”

King said more of the sit-down with the former first lady will air Monday.

Michelle Obama says in a forthcoming interview with Gayle King that “many of us [blacks] still live in fear as we go to the grocery store, walking our dogs.” Invision/AP, File