
Parents horrified after hospital allegedly replaces stillborn baby’s remains with a rat

A Colombian couple was shocked and appalled after a hospital allegedly replaced their deceased baby’s body with a dead rat after they couldn’t find her remains.

“We found a rather large rat,” Daniel Alejandro Jaramillo told local news of the grotesque incident, which happened last week in Tulua when his partner was 28 weeks pregnant.

The fiasco started May 13 at Tomas Uribe Hospital, when doctors informed Jaramillo’s partner, Jari Daniela Velez, that her future daughter had a heart problem, the Sun reported. Despite the clinic’s efforts to save the baby, the girl died May 15 during birth.

Following the untimely death, Jaramillo visited the mortuary so he could obtain a death certificate for the upcoming funeral, whereupon an undertaker opened a chest supposedly housing her remains.

That’s when Jamarillo made the macabre discovery: in place of his daughter’s body were latex gloves and a dead rat “the size of an opossum,” the horrified father recalled.

The body was nowhere to be found, suggesting that the hospital may have lost their daughter’s remains and then used the rodent’s carcass as a ghoulish substitute.

Daniel and Jari, along with their wider family, were disgusted by the blunder.
Daniel and Jari, along with their wider family, were disgusted by the blunder. Facebook

Jari’s cousin, Majo Velez, has since ripped into the health care center on Facebook.

“At the hospital they gave us a dead rat; I demand they give us the girl,” the aghast relative wrote.

The hospital has since apologized for the monumental blunder.

“For what happened we apologize and make ourselves available for whatever you require as a family,” the organization wrote, adding that they planned to conduct an internal investigation of the fiasco.