
How job recruiters should frame postings to find the best employees

Digital job postings are taking the internet by storm. That said, if you’re an employer seeking the best-fitting candidate to join your team, you not only need to find the right person.

You have to know how to craft the optimal job posting to attract the eyes of career suitors, who may be the ideal fit if you lay the skills, job responsibilities and other key information correctly on the table.

Let’s start with the basics. Where to post job openings isn’t like the years-old norm, with a simple Help Wanted ad in the paper with a phone number and two-word job title. Now, you need to be knowledgeable on how to find employees, some of the best job search engines to do so and the best way to hire.

Enter ZipRecruiter: one of the best job search sites where employers can post jobs for free. As a recent college graduate, I can attest the vast network helped me find my current role, thanks to its email newsletter of related job postings to what I was searching for.


But, we’re not talking about the candidates. Our focus is on the employers — how to craft your job posting to scout the best employees. Think of it as a professional resume, but in reverse; you want someone who can better your bottom line and start the day with bright, fresh ideas.

We spoke with public relations counselor, ethicist and strategic adviser M. Larry Litwin to boil down the basics of what to bedazzle your job posting with (and what not to). With his expertise and 360-degree view of the industry at large, you’ll be glad you absorbed these foundational notes.

Ahead, find how to frame your job posting to scout the best employees, from highlighting the recommended skillset to including salary.

Promote inclusivity when hiring

Especially in today’s era, Litwin believes addressing inclusivity on matters pertaining to your work environment is one of the “top three tips employers should keep in mind when framing a job posting.”

Whether it’s detailing a series of workshops all employees must comply to or simply a short statement declaring an unbiased stance toward race, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation or the like, a simple phrase can go a long way in making a candidate feel comfortable and recognized in a job environment.

Include a salary range for transparency

As another top tip, Litwin believes adding a salary range on a job description “eliminates those who are a long shot for the position.” That said, it makes it simpler for a candidate to compare various postings (and perhaps choose yours) if there’s a specific number in mind that’s more appealing, with other aspects — like responsibilities and benefits — considered.

On the same token, if an employer specifically knows how much they are willing to offer for a given role, Litwin recommends adding a “compensation up to discretion upon review” clause to the posting, namely to highlight that some attributes — like certifications and unique experiences — may play a role in the final compensation offer.

Be straightforward, but still tap in to buzz words

When listing a skillset tied to the position you’re looking to fill, list these under the “experience” section on your posting. Litwin advises sticking with the most important skills, with an emphasis that, in most cases, some can be learned on the job.

But, he recommends pointing out “special or unique skills” to target nonessential ones, but encouraged ones that may come with additional compensation for the applicant, thus increasing your job posting charm.

Aside from hard skills like Excel or QuickBooks, Litwin recommends leaning into the following buzz words: adaptability, analytical thinking, proactiveness, empathy and resilience. And, be sure to incorporate these in a way that still makes the job description to the point and clear for the applicant.

Disclose an email address for the candidate to contact you


This tip is major, especially because many online job postings don’t include one, which may deter a candidate from applying. As someone who was on the job hunt earlier this year, it was a huge turnoff for an employer to disregard including a point of contact.

“I would include an email specific to this job and ad,” Litwin said. Creating a separate email account for your posting can make everything streamlined and easy to get to.

Since omitting a contact email address can seemingly turn into the black hole of applications (and, a missed opportunity for follow-ups), Litwin advises an email address should be posted on an employer-written job posting.

Be mindful of any COVID-19 disclosures

Though 2020 was an unprecedented time to apply for jobs, the effects of COVID-19 still take place in the workspace, including wearing masks, requiring proof of vaccinations and adopting a flexible or “hybrid” schedule.

Litwin believes addressing some established company-wide policies on a job posting is a good practice to abide by. Of course, this tip depends on geographic region and CDC guidelines.

Overtime benefits attract candidates — include if applicable

When speaking with Litwin, he dug this tip from his former experience working at a radio station, which provided him double time-and-a-half for working overtime.

As an employer, if the role you’re hiring for is linked with working overtime (and getting paid extra for it) at certain points of the year, Litwin highly recommends including that, with a note of added pay. “You don’t know how much of a perk that is for a lot of people,” he adds.

Highlight any health care benefits

Let’s face it — when talking about employer-granted benefits, one of the first that comes to mind is health care. That said, Litwin thinks your company-wide health care policy should be addressed on a job posting, even if it’s simply stating, “Health care benefits included.”

Though health care should be included on a job posting, per Litwin, not all benefits should be. For instance, he believes vacation, personal and sick days should be omitted and reserved for a potential offer letter.

Take entry-level candidates with a grain of salt

As many freshly graduated candidates may have only have had one collegiate internship experience (not to mention virtual experiences nowadays), it’s important to take their experience with a grain of salt.

While Litwin advises candidates against including high school experience on applications if they graduated college, it’s important for employers to be hesitant when requesting for a specific “years of experience” requirement.

And, be clear about it — does three years of experience include internships and other forms of work, or is it limited to full-time roles only? Personally, I used to scroll to the number of years of experience and always take it with a grain of salt — especially if the job description seemed to match my skillset — so employers should be mindful, too.

Attach an application deadline & projected start date


As an employer, even if you don’t have a confirmed start date in place, settle for an estimated range. This helps an applicant scout if a job posting is in line with their timeline or too out of bounds for them.

“It’s important that employers have a deadline for applying and an expected start date for the job,” Litwin said.

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