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Prince Andrew accuser demands proof he is unable to sweat

Prince Andrew’s accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre is demanding he hand over medical records that show he is unable to sweat — after he previously claimed the alleged condition was proof he didn’t sexually assault her, court documents reveal.

Giuffre’s lawyers have requested “all documents” related to the embattled royal’s alleged “medical condition of anhidrosis, hypohidrosis, or your inability to sweat,” court documents filed in Manhattan on Thursday reveal.

The request is part of Giuffre’s civil lawsuit against the Duke of York, which alleges he sexually abused her when she was 17 after she was trafficked to him by Jeffrey Epstein and his madam Ghislaine Maxwell.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre pictured with Prince Andrew, left, and disgraced Epstein ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell. BACKGRID

Giuffre has previously claimed Prince Andrew bedded her after a sweaty night of dancing and drinking in a London club in 2001 — but Prince Andrew later insisted that wasn’t true.

He told the BBC in a trainwreck 2019 interview that his body’s inability to sweat due to a war injury was proof Giuffre was lying about having sex with him.

Giuffre alleges she was forced to have sex with the royal after a sweaty night of dancing.

Prince Andrew’s attorneys have rejected Giuffre’s request for medical records, claiming it is “harassing and seeks confidential and private information,” the court documents show.

His lawyers added that “no such documents exist” in Prince Andrew’s “possession, custody or control.”

Giuffre’s legal team have also requested all documents regarding Prince Andrew’s schedules and meetings from 2001, which is when she alleges she was abused by the royal on three occasions.

One of the requests calls for details on the royal’s travel to and from a Pizza Express located in Woking, England and the Club Tramp nightclub in London.

Prince Andrew told the BBC he was at the Pizza Express the night Giuffre claims they had sex in London. Club Tramp is where Giuffre alleges the sweating incident occurred.

The embattled prince claims he cannot sweat due to a war injury. David Abiaw/Shutterstock

Giuffre’s lawyers have also demanded details related to the royal’s travel on his pedophile pal Epstein’s private jet, as well as travel to and from Florida, New York, New Mexico and the United States Virgin Islands — the locations where Epstein had homes.

Her team have also requested any communication between the Duke of York, Epstein or Maxwell and their respective legal teams regarding “sexual abuse” and Andrew’s “sexual relations with anyone.”

The prince’s legal team have rejected the request as “overbroad, burdensome and oppressive,” according to court documents.

The court documents were filed a day after Maxwell was convicted in New York for recruiting and grooming underage girls for Epstein.

The British socialite’s guilty verdict sent fear rippling through Prince Andrew’s team as he battles Giuffre’s civil lawsuit, the Mirror reported on Thursday.

Giuffre was not listed as a victim in the indictment against Maxwell and did not testify at her trial.

But evidence that Maxwell and Epstein flew with Giuffre across the country and that they recruited her for abuse was allowed into the trial as potential corroboration of a sex-trafficking conspiracy.