Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Holocaust remembrance day leads with a courtroom reconciliation

Courtroom reconciliation

Last week. Jan. 27. International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust.

History. In 2005 Touro Law School professor, former Chief Judge Sol Wachtler organized a Nuremberg, Germany, seminar. I was there. It was inside the actual Courtroom 600 — wood-lined, marble floors, crystal chandeliers — where judges, lawyers, the Third Reich’s entire legal profession had sworn allegiance to the Führer.

It’s where, in 1945, Von Ribbentrop, Hess, Goering — penned in an underground cell — stood trial before a supreme tribunal. Five elevators blocked for the prisoners. Windows bricked up so nobody could shoot in. Judges sat backs to the wall. Four doors. On one, a frieze of the scales of justice. Oddly, on another, the Ten Commandments. This supreme courthouse was dedicated in 1916 by King Ludwig III.

And why was this trial in Nuremberg? Russia preferred Berlin. The USA demanded Nuremberg. Why? Because that had been Hitler country. Cauldron of Naziism. Where it all began.

In 2005 former NY State Chief Judge of Court of Appeals Sol Wachtler organized a Nuremberg, Germany, seminar in the same courtroom several people swore allegiance to Hitler. Freelance/NY Post

We visitors had headphones and translations when the information was in German. Yellow lights signified “Slow up for translations,” red lights meant “Stop.”

Himmler and Goebbels committed suicide before the trial, but Goering did so on the eve of his execution. Hitler’s body? Never found. Von Ribbentrop was hanged. Each was removed “in a simple wooden coffin with just a name attached by a card.”

The Nuremberg court during the height of the Nuremberg Trials which led to the imprisonment of Nazi officials. AFP/Getty Images

During the Third Reich that courtroom condemned over 12 people to death each day.

The seminar also extended to opulent Wannsee Villa. I saw where, in 1942, Adolf Eichmann and others met over cognac to plan “The Final Solution.” Participants included lawyers — a majority percent of the judiciary were Nazi party members. None objected to exterminating 11 million innocents.

Said was that a country stands on its legal system. And when that legal system goes, the country goes.

An invited American jurist was quoted to me saying: “I like to think I would not have been a part of it. But … if I were a judge during then …. if my career and future depended on my complicity … I wonder … ”

On the acting grind

Meredith Wilson’s “The Music Man” which is slated to open on February 10, 2022 after being delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cindy Ord/Getty Images

Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster’s “The Music Man” officially opens — again — Feb. 10. Preview audiences now give them standing ovations … J.KSimmons, in every movie made last year, is in “National Champions” with Kristin Chenoweth, who says: “I like to be on set for every scene whether I’m in it or not. I don’t understand people saying ‘Oh I’m not in this shot.’ In the theater when you step on that stage it doesn’t matter if you’re in the background or playing a tree, you’re seen.”


We need to know

NOW. Today. The immediate question this world must ask itself is: Do Britain’s Boris Johnson and Washington’s Jen Psaki have the same hair colorist?


Gather ’round

Keiko Aoki (right) received the Woman Achievement award from the charity Dress for Sucess, which provides designer clothes for woman who can not afford nice outfits for a job interview. James Edstrom

Jan. 26’s International Sous Vide Day — which who knew existed — Cuisine Solutions — which who knew existed — sent chef-curated food to honor Dr. Bruno Goussault, their Master of Modern Sous Vide and Chief Cuisine Solutioner — which I didn’t know existed … Thank beautiful Keiko Aoki, widow of Benihana’s creator Rocky Aoki, for sending homebound friends cooked Japanese dinners … and Stanley Tucci, vacationing at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives, did a screening of his “Julie & Julia” in the outdoor Cinema Paradiso, and then cooked an Italian banquet.


There’s no business like snow business. Friday and Saturday put a chill on everyone’s sex life. So let’s don’t any gent complain East Coast ladies were frigid this weekend. Not. One Superman even froze his “S” off.

People clear a snow-covered sidewalk with snow blowers in Queens on January 29, 2022 after Winter Storm Kenan brought several inches of snow. CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA/Shutterstock

And that was only in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and Rhode Island, kids — only in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and Rhode Island.