
As our leaders flinch over nuke fears, Americans want to face down Putin

A new poll from Reuters/Ipsos shows that 74% of Americans, including majorities in both parties, want NATO to impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine. It’s not an outlier: Survey after survey has shown that the American people want a stronger response to Russia’s invasion.

What’s amazing about the no-fly-zone poll in particular is that our political and pundit class has been almost universal in its opposition to the move. Even conservative populists who eschew expert opinion on everything from COVID to curriculums are suddenly in the position of telling voters to shut up and trust the people in charge.

So what explains this massive disconnect?

Some will argue that normal, everyday people simply don’t understand the risk involved with this action from NATO. But this elitist argument strains credulity. Citizens are watching the news, and they hear the dire warnings that patrolling Ukrainian airspace could cause World War III or a nuclear holocaust. 

Americans aren’t ignorant of the risks associated with a no-fly zone, and confronting an arrogant and aggressive Russia is not new to them. They’re so eager to go ahead with it for obvious and compelling reasons.

The most basic one: People understand that Vladimir Putin, like his Soviet predecessors, thrives on American weakness. Deep down, we don’t like the idea that Putin’s nuclear arsenal gives him a veto over the exertion of American power.

A sign at a rally in New York City calling for a no-fly zone over Ukraine on March 6, 2022. hoto by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

After all, we have nukes too. The concept of mutual assured destruction that has kept missiles in their silos for over half a century only works if it’s a two-way street.

Further, unlike the experts, Americans don’t seem to accept the idea that a no-fly zone will automatically lead to US troops on the ground (which polling shows they do oppose).

They’re right. If NATO planes secure the skies above Kyiv, the ball will be in Putin’s court. There is no reason to assume he will rush into an all-out war with the West.

Since 80% of Russia’s armed forces haven’t been able to beat Ukraine, pardon Americans if they don’t tremble before this supposed military might.

Another reason: Americans understand that without a no-fly zone, the likelihood is that Russia will topple the Ukrainian government and occupy a nation on the border with NATO allies.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 74% of Americans want NATO to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. REUTERS/Tim Reichert

Having conquered Ukraine, an emboldened Putin may well assume that Poland and Romania (or at least the Baltics) are his for the taking, since the weak and degenerate West has no will to fight. Americans aren’t persuaded by Pollyannaish promises that Putin won’t go beyond Ukraine.

What is telling about the polls showing a will to act against Russia is that the support for it is almost equal among Republicans, Democrats and independents, something unseen on almost any other issue.

If Americans are united on anything, it’s that they don’t fear Putin, and they want their own nation to show a little swagger in the face of his illegitimate aggression. 

Our politicians and foreign-policy professionals should heed these polls. Even if they won’t impose the no-fly zone, they should at least consider leaving such an action on the table.

Right now, we are conceding a major piece on the chessboard and getting absolutely nothing in return. No sane person thinks that showing Putin how reasonable we are is a solid plan to thwart his imperial aims. 

Many American people may believe that the no-fly zone is the only way to stand up to Putin’s agression. REUTERS/Tim Reichert

The United States (not to mention our NATO allies) has more money, power, weapons, and resources than Putin’s Russia. The only way the little dictator can compete is through fear and intimidation. But the American people aren’t afraid of him, even if many in the halls of power and the newsrooms are. 

Putin began this war confident that the fecklessness of the Biden administration and our European allies would protect him from all but economic repercussions. What he didn’t count on was the attitude of the American people, which is still to put bullies in their place and to protect the innocent who want nothing more than freedom. 

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The United States did not ask for this conflict; Ukraine did nothing to invite it. Vladimir Putin wanted it, and began it.

Americans are sending him a clear message: If he chooses to start a fight, we’re prepared to end it.