US News

No bulls–t: Genus Plc to breed eco-friendly, low-farting cows

A British genetics firm plans to create less-gassy cows — meaning fewer climate-heating emissions.

Genus Plc’s breeding program is intended to create “envirocows” with less-gaseous digestive systems, the Sunday Times of London reported.

On Monday the firm will launch a genetic test to identify the least-gassy female calves.

The dairy industry accounts for about three percent of the United Kingdom’s greenhouse gas emissions, with methane from cows making up about half that.

Methane is about 25 times as harmful to the environment as carbon dioxide.

It will take at least three years for the program to begin to cut emissions, as selective breeding gradually begets cattle that fart less.

National Milk Record managing director Andy Warne noted, however, there will never be a methane-free cow.

A cow on a field.
British firm Genus Plc hopes to reach their goal of breeding less flatulent cows in three years. Getty Images/iStockphoto

“An animal is never going to be carbon neutral.”