
Trump aides helped convince him he won 2020 election, Kellyanne Conway claims

In her new memoir, “Here’s The Deal,” out today, Kellyanne Conway rarely criticizes ex-President Donald Trump, but she is blunt about the final months of his presidency, writing that his remaining senior staff did nothing “to cement or communicate his impressive policy legacy and were ushering in conspiracy theorist after kook after conniver.”

Conway had left her job as special counselor to the president four months before the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021. She writes that she was working as a stay-at-home mom to her four children when she saw a tweet from Donald J. Trump Jr. pop up on her phone: “This is wrong and not who we are.”

“It seemed cryptic and urgent, both at once,” she writes. She switched on the television and realized that a Trump rally had turned into a siege of the nation’s Capitol.

At the same time, Conway received a text from an ally of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser seeking the White House’s help in putting the National Guard on the ground, a request initially denied by acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, she writes.

Conway was in her fourth month as a stay-at-home mom when she heard about the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. AP
Conway said she implored the president to call an end to the siege and deploy the National Guard. AP

Conway writes that she called a Trump aide and made three urgent points: “Add me to the course of people calling to urge the president to tell the people at the Capitol to stop … second, there are requests to deploy the National Guard … And finally, can he please clarify his Twitter feed.”

Two days later, Twitter had banned Trump’s account, former aide Steve Bannon and “other questionable characters got their pardons,” and Congress was busy impeaching Trump again, she writes.

In the end, despite the mountains of campaign money raised, Trump’s team had simply failed to get him re-elected while encouraging him privately that he had won, she writes. “The team failed on November 3 and they failed again afterward” by not confronting him with the reality of his loss.

Trump’s remaining senior staff did nothing “to cement or communicate his impressive policy legacy and usher[ed] in conspiracy theorist after kook after conniver,” Conway writes. AFP via Getty Images
“The team failed on [Election Day] and they failed again afterward” by not confronting Trump with the reality of his loss, Conway writes. Getty Images

Conway writes that four years ago, on her 50th birthday, she watched Trump take the oath of office. Four years later, she watched Joe Biden do the same. “It didn’t have to be this way,” she writes.

She does, however, end on an inspirational note, at least for the country if not her marriage, which took a beating during her time in the White House as her husband, George, posted damning tweets about Trump.

“Democracy will survive. America will survive,” she writes. “George and I may not survive.”