
Most Democratic voters don’t want Joe Biden in 2024, approval rating at 31%

How low can Joe go?

President​ Biden’s job approval rating has once again plummeted, hitting a fresh record low of 31% — as a majority of Democratic voters even admitted they would like him booted from the 2024 election, a new poll has found.

Fifty-four percent of Democrats said Biden should not mount a re-election run, compared to 40% who said the flailing leader should, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday shows.

Overall, a telling 71% of Americans oppose the 79-year-old commander-in-chief running for a second term.

In the year and a half since Biden entered the White House, his support in polls has been steadily shrinking.

The Q-poll shows that less than a third (31%) of Americans approve of the job he is doing, while 60% disapprove. 

Among Democrats, that margin is 71% who approve versus 18% who disapprove. Among Republicans, it’s 94% versus 2%.

The Q-poll shows that less than a third (31%) of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing, while 60% disapprove.  AP Photo/Evan Vucci
The majority of Republicans (69%) still believe the 45th president should run for re-election in 2024. PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images

The president’s approval rating is in negative territory across all demographic groups except African Americans. More than half (61%) of the black community approve of his job performance, compared to 28% who disapprove.

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Biden’s standing in the Hispanic community, however, is worrisome — with just one in five (19%) Hispanics approving of his ability to lead. Seven in 10 (70%) disapprove.

Meanwhile, the poll also showed that just shy of two-thirds of Americans (64%) are against former President Donald Trump running in 2024. 

The president’s approval rating is in negative territory across all demographic groups except African Americans. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

The majority of Republicans (69%) still believe the 45th president should run for re-election in 2024, but the overwhelming majority of Democrats (94%) say he shouldn’t, the poll shows.

Sixty-eight percent of independents also revealed they wouldn’t like to see Trump on the ticket.

Still, Trump’s favorability rating is higher than Biden’s — at 37%.  

Six percent of voters said climate change was the biggest issue facing the US, while 4% said it was racial inequality and crime. FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

“There’s scant enthusiasm for a replay of either a Trump or Biden presidency. But while Trump still holds sway on his base, President Biden is underwater when it comes to support from his own party,” Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy said. 

Asked if November’s midterm elections were held today, which party they would like to see win control of the House and Senate, Americans were evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans.

Black voters overwhelmingly supported Democrats at 78%, but Hispanics were divided between the parties — with 42% backing Republicans and 40% supporting Democrats. 

Biden’s numbers reflect the deep discontent in how Americans view the country.

The poll showed that 67% believe the country is worse off today than it was a year ago, including 95% of Republicans, 34% of Democrats and 72% of independents. 

Asked to rate the most pressing concerns facing the US right now, the largest percentage (34%) agreed it was inflation, which hit a four-decade high of 9.1% in June.

Gun violence was revealed as the second-most pressing concern at 12%, followed by immigration, election laws and abortion at 8%. 

Six percent of voters said climate change was the biggest issue facing the US, while 4% said it was racial inequality and crime.

Three percent of Americans said the ongoing war in Ukraine is the biggest worry.

COVID-19 registered just 1%. 

The poll surveyed 1,523 adults between July 14 and 18. 

It has a plus/minus 2.7 percentage-point margin of error.