Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray


Migrant-loving lefties live in a Dreamerworld

Who are the “Dreamers” in America? In recent years the term has been used to describe young people who have been brought to America illegally. But — taking a leaf from the Democratic playbook — I would like to suggest a change of use. From now on can we use the term “Dreamers” to describe anyone who believes that this country’s border system can go on as it is? 

The sort of people who think that it is sustainable to have millions of illegal immigrants flood into the United States every year. The people who think that having any border at all is basically bigoted. 

Such views used to be held only by a “progressive” fringe. But today they are mainstream on the Democratic side. That is how far the Democratic Party has moved. 

It isn’t so long ago that they thought differently. In 1996 the party´s platform said, “Today´s Democratic Party also believes we must remain a nation of laws. We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it.” Just consider the difference between that platform of only a quarter of a century ago and the same party today. Today that statement would be said to be “restrictionist,” bigoted and probably racist. 

‘Asylum seekers’ 

In only a few decades illegal migrants have become “undocumented migrants,” “Dreamers” and much more. The Democratic Party has moved from worrying about illegal immigration toward encouraging it. As they did when they stopped construction of the border wall. Like their left-wing counterparts in Europe, they seem to believe that anyone trying to break into the country is an “asylum seeker” and that countries like the US have a duty to take in anyone in the world who wants to move here. 

Just one of the problems of this is that it is unsustainable. A fact that is finally hitting Dem politicians where it hurts. On their own doorstep. 

Protesters at Port Authority hold signs saying that Mayor Adams “has no plan” for housing migrants. YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images

It used to be so easy for leftists in Washington and New York to talk the mantras of the day. “No human is illegal” became one of the fatuous slogans of our day. Say that you wanted a wall on the southern border and you were a “nativist.” Say that you were opposed to it and you got virtue points. 

All this did was to encourage the flow of illegal migrants across the southern border. In a poll last year, members of the progressive left said — by a whopping 86% — that they agreed with the phrase “People who have immigrated into the US illegally generally make the communities they live in better.” They said that because for them it was all just theory. Only people in places like Texas had to experience it in reality. 

Well now we are all getting that opportunity. And the left’s ideas about open borders are suddenly being tested across the nation

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas is completely within his rights to try to distribute migrants around the country. If politicians in Washington are going to grandstand about migration then why should it only be Texans who suffer the consequences? 

So the buses have started to arrive. In DC and New York. And even though this is just a taste of what could come, already left-wing officials in both cities are grandstanding and whining. Radical leftists like New York City Council member Shahana Hanif are actually encouraging the move. This week she boasted about standing at the Port Authority Bus Terminal to “welcome asylum seekers.” Note the change of language there. On their bus journey to New York these people turn from illegal immigrants to “asylum seekers.” 

New York’s share 

A group of migrants walks out of Port Authority Bus Terminal from Texas. YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images

Other New York officials are complaining that the whole thing is unfair on them. Since May, New York has received over 4,000 illegal immigrants from Texas. You can see the results at the DHS shelters in the city, where Central and South American families with large numbers of children hopelessly wander in and out. You can see it at the city’s homeless shelters, which are now feeling the strain from all these people from outside the state. And it isn’t as though everything was easy in New York before this. 

But what did the left-wing open-borders people think would happen? New York is straining under a few thousand illegal migrants being added to the city. But that is just a few hours of the illegal immigrants coming across the southern border. Where were they meant to go? 

History repeats itself 

For me this brings on some terrible déjà vu. Because I saw this happen once before, in Europe during the 2015 migration crisis. 

Then, as now, the continent’s southern border was open. Then, as now, people who just wanted a better life started to flood in. And because the left’s narrative held, for a time, the borders opened up. Suddenly every economic migrant from Africa and the Middle East was called an asylum seeker. Soon the thousands of migrants turned into hundreds of thousands and then millions. Yet that transformative year in Europe is now an average year in numbers of people illegally entering the US. 

Then, as now, people in the places where the migrants arrived bore the brunt of the left’s policies. But soon the migrants had to be dispersed elsewhere. They were sent north to Germany, Scandinavia and the other countries that had boasted about their open-border ideals. 

Bags of humanitarian supplies are seen outside Port Authority Bus Terminal as migrants arrive in New York City. YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images

It didn’t take much of this first-hand experience of illegal migration to change minds. Soon enough all the economic and social problems of unlimited illegal immigration hit home and the borders closed back up. 

In America, by contrast, cities like this one have not really had to experience the consequences of the policies that New York council members, among others, encourage. Such people presume that this country can easily absorb millions of illegal migrants every year. Millions of people who have broken the law to get here. Making fools of the people who followed the rules. We’ll see how well this goes. But if the left seriously thinks it can go on then, sorry, but they’re the dreamers.