
We reviewed Benefit Cosmetics’ new pore skincare line: Our thoughts

Pound the alarm, alert everyone you know and get your credit cards ready — one of the buzziest beauty brands stepped into unprecedented quarters for the first time, so much so that it’s one of the most impressive line of products New York Post Shopping has reviewed.

Benefit Cosmetics has been a standout counter at Sephora, in makeup counters within department stores and all over TikTok. Now, the brand is making its grand foray into the skincare industry with a fully stocked Pore Care line that — yes — helps eradicate the look of pores.

As soon as I heard the news that the makeup primer I’ve been using for years (hello, POREfessional), inspired this newly minted collection, I had to get my hands on it. And, I’m so glad I did. Though I’ve only been using the products a handful of times, the bottles and tubs already have a spot on my bathroom’s skincare cart.

Yes, I have one of those (read: Fenty Cookies N Clean Face Mask review).

Benefit Cosmetics The POREfessional Speedy Smooth Pore Mask, $39

Benefit Cosmetics The POREfessional Speedy Smooth Pore Mask
Benefit Cosmetics

How to use: Apply an even layer (or two, if desired) to your dry face and wash off after three to five minutes or until the mask begins to change color. In short, it’s a less-than-10 minute pore cleanse.

Though Benefit Cosmetics has even more products that’ll help mitigate the appearance of pores, this Speedy Gonzalez formula is the star of the show, hands down.

What I look for when testing skincare

Though every face mask, cleanser and moisturizer is formulated differently (though all of Benefit Cosmetics’ are targeted toward deeply cleansing your pores), this is the set of criteria I keep in mind when reviewing:

  • Texture: When testing, I always consider the texture; is it hydrating? Is it too oily? Ahead, I’ll go over each of Benefit Cosmetics’ products with texture notes to best understand the consistency.
  • Buildability: For clay masks especially, avoiding heavy formulas is a must, as (1) they’re difficult to wash off and (2) can weigh down the delicate skin on your face. Luckily, Benefit Cosmetics’ masks hardened on the skin, but not to the max.
  • Any signs of irritation: Hoping this isn’t the case, I’ll check my skin — specifically, the area underneath my eyes and cheeks — for any signs of redness, puffiness or irritation or signs of a breakout.
  • How it washes off: Depending on the product, I”ll consider how simple each one was to not only apply but to remove.
  • How my skin feels and looks: Though your skin will “look better” with frequent use, I always look in the mirror (who doesn’t?!) and lightly rub the back of my hand onto my cheek.

Benefit Cosmetics Pore Care skincare review

Benefit Cosmetics Review
Victoria Giardina

To start, it’s important you know I have oily skin with some dry areas. But, my skin texture is always changing — and, I switch out my skincare products quite often — so you’re really getting the most honest take. After putting on my Brooklinen Waffle Robe (the very best) and skincare headband (yes, social media influenced me), it was time to get started with Benefit Cosmetics.

I began with The POREfessional Good Cleanup Foam Cleanser ($29). Once applied, I was in complete shock, as I didn’t expect it to be so creamy and hydrating. I felt as if all of the impurities on my face were washed away with two little pumps. And, the All-in-One Mask Wand Pore Care Cleansing Wand ($20) enhanced the experience tenfold.

The POREfessional Good Cleanup Foam Cleanser, $29

The POREfessional Good Cleanup Foam Cleanser
Benefit Cosmetics

Ultra-nourishing and hydrating, this cleanser visibly removed dirt, oil and other impurities from my skin. It also created a wonderful, clean base for the rest of my skincare routine. Not to mention, you’ll be impressed by how lightweight it feels, yet how it lathers into a bubbly foam!

The POREfessional All-in-One Mask Wand Pore Care Cleansing Wand, $20

The POREfessional All-in-One Mask Wand Pore Care Cleansing Wand
Benefit Cosmetics

To enhance your skincare routine — whether applying your cleanser or your mask — the All-in-One Mask Wand Pore Care Cleansing Wand is an affordable add-on that’ll ensure you’re using your fingers to apply and blend as much as possible. It’s also simple to clean and easy to use.

After cleansing, I turned to the brand’s The POREfessional Tight n Toned Toner ($34) next. This is where the pore-reducing action really comes into full effect, thanks to its AHAs and PHAs helping to exfoliate. These ingredients are found in several anti-aging skincare products, along with some serums and creams to help even and smooth the skin.

The POREfessional Tight n Toned Toner, $34

The POREfessional Tight n Toned Toner
Benefit Cosmetics

With an easy-to-use pump design, the brand’s Tight n Toned Toner didn’t strip my skin, which tends to be the case, unfortunately, for several toners on the market. Though it wasn’t as hydrating as the cleanser, it’s simple to apply with your fingertips to help balance the skin, so it’s surely one I’ll be continuing to use.

When my skin feels cleansed and a bit more balanced than before, I couldn’t contain my excitement to try The POREfessional Speedy Smooth Pore Mask ($39). While I haven’t yet tried The POREfessional Deep Retreat Mask ($39) quite yet, I can imagine it’s just as good — perhaps even better — than the brand’s quick-fix solution to dialing down the pores.

The reason I haven’t tried it yet? The Speedy Smooth Pore Mask has been so beneficial to my skin that I haven’t felt the need to use another face mask of any kind. That’s huge.

When I tell you the Speedy Smooth Pore Mask works, it truly does. At first, I thought, a five-minute mask that claims to reduce pores? There’s no way it’ll work in that amount of time. But, Benefit Cosmetics proved me wrong, so much so that when my boyfriend saw me later in the day, he said, “look at that glowing skin!” For context, I typically wear a lightweight foundation and concealer, but I felt confident enough to sport just my clean face of Benefit Cosmetics skincare.

The POREfessional Speedy Smooth Pore Mask, $39

The POREfessional Speedy Smooth Pore Mask
Benefit Cosmetics

I applied two coats of this mask and saw it visibly change color in just five minutes, an indicator of when to wash it away. I left it on for three extra minutes for good measure (who doesn’t?) and was incredibly surprised by the results.

I didn’t find this mask to linger onto my skin. So, the blue, Smurf-like shade of this mask didn’t cake up around my nose, along my jaw or near my hairline, which is typically the case for other face masks I’ve tried.

Days later, my skin still feels smooth. I’ve only been using the cleanser and moisturizer from this lineup since, so this mask (that you can use up to three times a week!) is quite revolutionary in terms of its lasting power.

Now, to its moisturizer, the finishing shining star of the pore-minimizing show. Benefit Cosmetics launched The POREfessional Smooth Sip Moisturizer ($44) which, as its name suggests, is like a sip of hydration to your skin. Its whipped texture and feel-good consistency was delicate on my sensitive skin and is perfect for on-the-go travel — and I’m talking about its full-sized product. The brand has a mini version for some of these products as well.

The POREfessional Smooth Sip Moisturizer, $44

The POREfessional Smooth Sip Moisturizer
Benefit Cosmetics

Packaged in a cute little tin, this moisturizer helped to improve my skin’s texture. A little goes a long way, too, and its gel-cream formula is jam-packed with hydration that isn’t heavy at all. In short, it’s a dream.

Truth be told, I’ve hardly been wearing full-coverage makeup since using this skincare regimen. Benefit Cosmetics has made it super simple to understand the order to use each product (cleanser, toner, mask, moisturizer — repeat as needed).

However, on nights when I’m off to a dinner with friends or want to feel a bit more glam, I’ll use The POREfessional Get Unblocked Oil Cleanser ($39). I didn’t even know a primer could help mitigate pores but, in tandem with the other products use, I didn’t see as many pores on my skin after I took the day away.

The POREfessional Get Unblocked Oil Cleanser, $39

The POREfessional Get Unblocked Oil Cleanser
Benefit Cosmetics

What’s great about The POREfessional Get Unblocked Oil Cleanser is how it’s delicate enough to use for removing mascara. Typically, some makeup removers don’t remove everything, but I didn’t wake up to smudged eye makeup. Instead, I awoke to fresh, cleansed skin that didn’t look as pore-y as before.

The bottom line

Benefit Cosmetics skincare
Benefit Cosmetics

I’m keen on using Alpyn Beauty (which, if you’ve followed our coverage, you’d know from how often I recommend the brand to New York Post Shopping readers). Impressively, Benefit Cosmetics’ new Pore Care line is just as good with a pore-cleansing focus.

While I’m always rotating other brands’ skincare as well (with Alpha-H and Farmacy also beaming with glowing results — literally), I can’t wait to continue using Benefit Cosmetics. In fact, I’ve been hyping the new collection up to all of my friends.

Oh, and another thing — while we’re constantly influenced to add to cart and shop, this launch is one that you won’t be disappointed with, especially if you’ve been looking for an easy-to-follow regimen that’ll help reduce the unwanted pores on your face. So, buy now and thank me later.

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