
DEI ideology must die, woke come for Agatha Christie and other commentary

From the right: DEI Ideology Must Die

“The adults at the Stanford Law School appear to be in charge,” cheers Heather Mac Donald at Quillette, after Dean Jenny Martinez affirmed the First Amendment rights of Judge Kyle Duncan against disruptive student protesters.

But even “punishing the hecklers” (which Martinez didn’t) and firing Tirien Steinbach, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion associate dean who sided with them, “will not restore the idea-based university.”

Indeed, “axe every college DEI office” and the “bureaucracy and a large portion of the faculty will simply continue their work.”

“If we are to restore academic integrity,” it’s “necessary to challenge head-on the grounding falsehoods of the diversity university: that majority society (or whatever is left of it) is always and everywhere oppressing the fragile ‘Other.’ ”

Liberal: Dems Should Foster Tech Growth

Democrats “will never outcompete rightwing demagogues when it comes to stoking economic grievances,” so they “need a post-populist economics that inspires hope in America’s ability to innovate rapidly, generate abundant growth and opportunity and outpace China in the race to master frontier technologies,” argues The Hill’s Will Marshall.

President Biden is backing an anti-Big Tech antitrust bill at “ the worst possible moment to dismantle or handcuff our major tech firms,” which are “laying off tens of thousands of workers,” while “the United States is locked in a momentous competition with China for mastery of AI” and other tech “crucial to US prosperity and national security.”

Better to be “celebrating US ingenuity and entrepreneurial verve, not punishing successful companies simply for getting big.”

Libertarian: Woke Come for Agatha Christie

“The sensitivity readers have found another target: Agatha Christie,” groans Reason’s Robby Soave of mysteries “edited, ostensibly to comport with modern sensibilities” though “there are few readers clamoring for” it.

“Sensitivity readers, who are hired to rewrite texts and prevent offense, are making the books less colorful and descriptive.”

And “it’s one thing to change outdated ethnic references or references that specifically malign a specific race” but “quite another matter to delete all references to ethnicity.”

Ironically, efforts “to remove references to LGBT characters in public schools and libraries” don’t differ from “what book publishers are doing to Christie, [Roald] Dahl, and others at the behest of woke literary scolds.”

Conservative: Fetterman Mysteries Continue

“The challenge reporters and his constituents have faced has never been the illnesses” of Sen. John Fetterman, “whether it be the stroke, the heart condition, or the current mental health crisis,” grumbles the Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito.

It’s lack of info from the staff “that orchestrates Fetterman’s every move.”

“Since the revelation of his heart condition, no doctor has spoken publicly about the status of his cardiomyopathy,” beyond a June letter from “the cardiologist who had seen him five years ago.”

When he entered Walter Reed in February “for clinical depression,” aides said it’d only be “a few days.”

Two months later, a staffer says “John will be out soon. Over a week, but soon.”

Yet, notes Zito, “any questioning of his prognosis has become taboo, which flies in the face of transparency.”

Neocon: Patriotism Lives!

“We still live in a surprisingly traditional USA,” explains Commentary’s Abe Greenwald in the wake of panic over a Wall Street Journal/NORC poll.

Yes, it found only 38% “consider patriotism very important, down steeply from 1998” when it was 70%, with similar drops on the importance of religion and having kids.

“Not so fast. When asked to rate these values, respondents could choose from ‘very important,’ ‘somewhat important,’ ‘not that important,’ or ‘not important at all.’”

Combine the top and bottom two, and “it’s a clear win for tradition and conservative values” 73%-27% on patriotism, 60%-40% on religion, 65%-33% on having children and 70%-28% on marriage.

Yes, the country’s “less traditional than it was,” but we’re not France, where 51% say they don’t believe in God (we’re at 9%).

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board