US News

Florida cops called to ‘fight in progress’ find two goats brawling

These cops were working the bleat.

Florida deputies who were called to a “fight in progress” arrived to find two feisty goats butting heads in the middle of a suburban street, according to police.

The Bovidae baaad boys were heard brawling by neighbors in the quiet town of Palatka, where a resident called 911 to report the dust-up Sunday night, according to The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.

cops capturing goats
Neighbors called 911 to report the furry street fighters, who were wrangled by cops. Putnam County Sheriff's Office

Officers captured the horned hotheads — whose wild feud had spilled onto the property of neighbors — with rope then tracked down their owners the following day, according to a Facebook post by the department.

“The suspects were pretty Maaaadd at one another and the fight escalated into the yards of nearby residences. Both were pretty hard-headed, but officers managed to separate, wrangle and bring them to the Putnam County Jail,” police wrote.

Police poster
Police launched a search to find the owner of the escaped goats. Putnam County Sheriff's Office

It wasn’t immediately clear how the furry street fighters got loose.