MLB believes Yankees OK on base coaches despite Blue Jays complaints

In the wake of Aaron Judge shifting his eyes to his right before hitting a monster home run in the eighth inning Monday night, the Blue Jays have contacted MLB about an alleged issue with the Yankees’ base coaches operating outside their designated boxes.

But MLB doesn’t believe there’s any indication of a major rule violation during Monday’s game, including with respect to the positioning of the Yankees’ base coaches, The Post’s Greg Joyce reports.

“There’s boxes on the field for a reason,” Blue Jays manager John Schneider told reporters Tuesday.

Schneider did say the Blue Jays are looking to make sure they’re not doing anything to tip pitches to opponents.

“What’s fair is fair,” Schneider said. “If our guys are giving stuff up, we have to be better at that.

“It’s our job to make sure we’re playing clean.”

Travis Chapman is the Yankees’ first base coach, and former Mets manager Luis Rojas is their third base coach.

Judge said after Monday’s game that he was glancing toward the Yankees dugout, which was still chirping at home plate umpire Clint Vondrak over his strike zone.

Aaron Judge looks toward the Yankees dugout before hitting a massive home run against the Blue Jays. Sportsnet
Yankees first base coach Travis Chapman. AP
Yankees third base coach Luis Rojas. Charles Wenzelberg/NY Post

Judge’s shifting eyes were discussed at length on the Blue Jays broadcast by the Sportsnet team of Dan Shulman and Buck Martinez.

Judge was not pleased Tuesday about the TV duo insinuating that he may have been cheating.

“I got some choice words about that, but better to just keep that off the record,” Judge said.