Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine


Taking down loathsome lefty pol Dan Goldman

In all the craziness of politics these days, it’s worth freezing the action and focusing on a wonderful moment in the House the other day.

A moment of truth and clarity and a delicious takedown of one of the most loathsome Democratic politicians ever to darken its doors. 

Let me introduce you to Dan Goldman, recently hatched representative of New York’s 10th Congressional District, smarmy heir to the Levi Strauss fortune, Democrats’ staff attorney during the first impeachment of Donald Trump, Russiagate hoaxer, liberal darling of MSNBC, and, since he was sworn in four months ago, stock market trader with an uncanny Midas touch. 

Goldman, 47, owes his unlikely primary win last year to the millions he spent on his self-funded campaign, and the generous endorsement of the New York Times, whose owners, the Sulzbergers, have enjoyed generations of cozy ties to the Goldman family. 

It is hard to find a finer example of elite privilege than this blue-eyed son of Sidwell Friends, Stanford and Yale. 

Entitlement oozing from every pore, Goldman is training to be the new Adam “Shifty” Schiff, the mendacious congressman he admires “tremendously,” as he told the Times, more than any member of Congress in history, and whom he promised to “emulate.” 

And so, predictably, on Tuesday, barely four months into his term, at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee on left-wing violence, Goldman met his nemesis in the form of Julio Rosas, intrepid journalist and Marine Corps reservist. 

Blood and mayhem 

In the summer of 2020, the 27-year-old senior writer at Townhall waded into the blood and mayhem of the most dangerous BLM-antifa riots

In Kenosha, Wis., Minnesota, Washington, DC, New York, Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Rosas brought us priceless video evidence of the violence that puts the lie to the Democratic spin that antifa is a “myth,” or as FBI Director Chris Wray claimed, just an “ideology,” and President Biden says is just an “idea.” 

Dan Goldman won the primary last year while spending millions on his self-funded campaign, along with receiving an endorsement from the New York Times. Getty Images
Goldman has noted he is training to be the new Adam Schiff, whom he promised to “emulate.” AP

Rosas came to Capitol Hill armed with the truth. 

“I covered many of these BLM and antifa riots,” Rosas testified, “and I can tell you these were very destructive events, not just in the moment in the cities in which they occurred but also to our nation’s overall approach to law and order … 

“The far left organized to attack not only police officers but also neighborhoods and innocent bystanders, many of whom were minorities. Yes, there were BLM protests that were peaceful. The common statistic cited is around 93% [and] thank goodness, because in that 7% of violence, over $2 billion worth of damage was done … dozens of lives were lost and an untold number were hurt or injured, myself included …” 

“Antifa is very much a real movement … They are not … a myth. I have seen their destructive actions firsthand.” 

Rosas, who wrote an excellent book about his experience, “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful: The 2020 ­Riots and the Gaslighting of America,” described the black-clad terrorist group’s highly organized tactics. 

They wear all black with black full face masks and backpacks to hold their weapons: Molotov cocktails, crowbars, hammers and metal pipes.

In Portland, Ore., he saw antifa lob an IED at the federal courthouse they were besieging.

In Kenosha, he saw them brandishing handguns. 

They bring leaf blowers to direct tear gas back at police and black umbrellas to deflect rubber bullets and hide their crimes. 

Rosas never livestreams video because antifa has a “cyber intelligence unit” that alerts personnel on the ground to seek out and destroy anyone recording their violence. 

“Today’s criminals have no fear, because why would they? Law enforcement is understaffed and even when arrests are made, pro-criminal DAs give them sweetheart deals so they can go back out and commit crimes again.” 

Little accountability 

Rosas warned that the far left is emboldened because they were never held accountable. 

“I anticipate that if tensions are not lowered and actions not taken, events like the outcome of the 2024 presidential election may spark another wave of violence that the country may not come back from.” 

Adam Schiff speaks at a rally to mark Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day in Hollywood, California. AFP via Getty Images

Goldman was unmoved.

He read aloud snippets from Rosas’ statement back to him, sneering that, as a nobody, he has no right to challenge Wray’s claim that antifa does not exist.

We must trust the FBI over our own eyes, ears and common sense. 

“Mr. Rosas, apparently the expert now in organized terrorist activity, has overruled the FBI director who says — there’s a headline — says ‘antifa is an ideology, not an organization,’ ” said Goldman, theatrically waving around a piece of paper. 

“No, no, no, let’s not listen to the FBI director. Let’s listen to — sorry, what’s your title? — senior writer at Townhall, who is going to tell us that the FBI director is wrong.” 

One of Goldman’s nemeses, Julio Rosas, notably said at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee on left-wing violence, “It’s funny to be lectured by an heir to the Levi Strauss Corporation.” Getty Images

When Rosas responded, Goldman imperiously cut him off: “No, you cannot, I didn’t ask a question.” 

But soon enough, Rosas got his chance, and he made the most of every word.

He annihilated the smug silver spooner from Tribeca with facts, and added a bonus character assessment that had visitors in the hearing room gasping with delight. 

“It’s funny to be lectured by an heir to the Levi Strauss Corporation,” Rosas began, “and that’s probably why he doesn’t consider property damage as a big deal because, not only does he have that, but he also has what some people would describe as an impossibly good stock portfolio.” 

“But what I can tell you is that in these riots that happened three years ago, yes, big corporations suffered damage and looting … but a lot of the businesses, they were small businesses. They did not come from multimillion-dollar families or corporations …” 

“It was absolutely disgraceful for Congressman Goldman to try to denigrate my title because it’s not just a title. I’ve earned it. I was there chewing the dirt in these dangerous situations. I didn’t see him in any of those places. I was there in New York City covering some pretty violent protests there.” 

“And I’m also not just a writer but [a Marine] and I was very proud of that. So that’s just typical elitist thinking and that’s why a lot of people hate Washington, DC, and honestly, I don’t blame them.” 

Cowardly Goldman had quit the hearing room by this stage, but he had another piece of business this week, filing a motion to expel a New York Republican congressman, the serial fabulist George Santos. 

If Santos is to be expelled for lying, so too should Goldman.

And Schiff. And the rest of the Russia hoaxers.

That’s not even to mention the liar-in-chief in the Oval Office. 

If you expelled all the Dems who lied, there would be nobody left.

Harry-meg: Look at us, look

It was strange that nobody in NYC noticed the supposed two-hour “near catastrophic” high-speed car chase of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle by “a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi.” 

In a city gridlocked with traffic, even Mayor Eric Adams said he found the claim by the royal grifters “hard to believe.” 

The NYPD rained on their parade, too: “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries or arrests in regard.” 

The taxi driver who drove the couple after their event Tuesday at the Ziegfeld Ballroom said he would not call it a “chase,” adding that he felt “safe” during the ride. 

The royal duo is suffering relevance deprivation syndrome and a bad case of jealousy after Princess Kate and Prince William shone at the coronation.

This drama is an attempt to grab the spotlight after nobody in New York noticed they were here. 

Coincidentally, as Page Six reported, the incident occurred “hours after Harry was told that UK police are not for hire” in his legal battle demanding taxpayer-funded security. 

A timeline of the alleged car chase issued by the NYPD says Harry and Meghan didn’t want paparazzi to know where they were staying.

So they were driven around Manhattan aimlessly for 1 hour and 15 minutes to create drama rather than driving a few minutes to their accommodation on the Upper East Side.

Footage for the next Netflix series?