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Who are the five passengers aboard the missing Titanic sub? Crew members identified

The five people aboard a missing submersible that toured the ruins of the Titanic include a space-traveling British billionaire, one of Pakistan’s wealthiest men and a retired commander in the French navy who led the first expedition to the site of the “unsinkable” ship.

The vessel lost contact with its support ship Sunday about an hour and 45 minutes after descending to the wreckage of the 1912 disaster, 12,500 feet under water some 370 miles off the coast of Newfoundland.

Hamish Harding

Airplane sales executive and Guinness World Records holder Hamish Harding, 58, is among the missing, according to family members and social media posts made by the British billionaire.

Harding had previously flown to space on a Blue Origin mission, accompanied former astronaut Buzz Aldrin to the South Pole and was on a flight mission that visited both of the Earth’s poles in record time.

The Dubai-based explorer wrote on Instagram Sunday that he was on the third OceanGate Expeditions tour to the famous ill-fated ship as a “mission specialist.”

He and other guests had paid $250,000 each for the privilege.

Harding has set multiple world records for his adventurous exploits and recently went to space on a Blue Origin flight. Blue Origin

“Due to the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023,” his post read.

“A weather window has just opened up and we are going to attempt a dive tomorrow.”

Shanzada and Sulaiman Dawood

Also aboard the five-person vessel were Shanzada Dawood, 48, and his son Sulaiman, 19, according to family members.

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Dawood is vice chairman of the Pakistani energy manufacturing and tech conglomerate Engro Corporation and sits on the Global Advisory Board for King Charles’ charity, Prince’s Trust International.

Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Sulaiman Dawood, 19, are two of the paying tourists who embarked on the 12,500-foot dive to view the famous shipwreck on the OceanGate Expeditions submersible. Family Handout

He is also a trustee of California-based research institute SETI, whose website states that he lives in the UK with Sulaiman and his wife and daughter.

Paul-Henri Nargeolet

Experienced deep diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet, 77, is also aboard the vessel.

Nargeolet led the first expedition to the Titanic wreckage in 1987 after retiring from the French navy, where he served as a commander.

Tourist submersible exploring Titanic wreckage disappears in Atlantic Ocean

What we know

A submersible on a pricey tourist expedition to the Titanic shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean has vanished with likely only four days’ worth of oxygen. The US Coast Guard said the small submarine began its journey underwater with five passengers Sunday morning, and the Canadian research vessel that it was working with lost contact with the crew about an hour and 45 minutes into the dive.

It was later found that a top-secret team with the US Navy detected the implosion of the Titan submersible on Sunday, but did not stop search efforts due because the evidence was “not definitive” and a decision was made to “make every effort to save the lives on board.” 

Who was on board?

The family of world explorer Hamish Harding confirmed on Facebook that he was among the five traveling in the missing submarine. Harding, a British businessman who previously paid for a space ride aboard the Blue Origin rocket last year, shared a photo of himself on Sunday signing a banner for OceanGate’s latest voyage to the shipwreck. 

Also onboard were Pakistani energy and tech mogul Shanzada Dawood and his son Sulaiman, 19; famed French diver and Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, and OceanGate founder and CEO Stockton Rush.

What’s next?

“We’re doing everything we can do to locate the submersible and rescue those on board,” Rear Adm. John Mauger told reporters. “In terms of the hours, we understood that was 96 hours of emergency capability from the operator.

Coast Guard officials said they are currently focusing all their efforts on locating the sub first before deploying any vessel capable of reaching as far below as 12,500 feet where the Titanic wreck is located.

Mauger, first district commander and leader of the search-and-rescue mission, said the US was coordinating with Canada on the operation.

The debris recovered from the US Coast Guard’s Titan submersible search site early Thursday included “a landing frame and a rear cover from the submersible.”

After search efforts to recover the stranded passengers proved futile, and bits of debris from the submersible were found, it was decided that the sub imploded, which correlated with an anomaly picked up by the US Navy in the same area.

The Coast Guard later reported that all 5 passengers were confirmed dead, and rescue efforts were halted.


He serves as the director of RMS Titanic Inc., an underwater research company that owns the rights to the Titanic wreck, and has appeared in several films and programs about the disaster, including “Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron.”

Leading Titanic explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet is pictured in 2013 examining a model of the famous sunken ship. AFP via Getty Images

Nargeolet, who is known as “Mr. Titanic,” made a foreboding remark about his many journeys to the site in 2019 when asked by the Irish Examiner if he ever got scared.

“When you’re in very deep water, you’re dead before you realize that something is happening, so it’s just not a problem,” Nargeolet said.

A year later, he told France Bleu radio: “I am not afraid to die, I think it will happen one day.”

Stockton Rush

Rounding out the missing team is Stockton Rush, 61, the founder and CEO of OceanGate, based in Everett, Wash., according to media reports.

Rush became the youngest jet transport-rated pilot in the world in 1981, when he was just 19, according to his biography.

“It is an amazingly beautiful wreck,” Rush told Britain’s Sky News of the Titanic earlier this year.

Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate exhibitions, called the Titanic wreck “amazingly beautiful.” REUTERS

“You can see inside, we dipped down and saw the grand staircase and saw some of the chandeliers still hanging.”

A frantic Coast Guard search is underway for the missing 22-foot Titan submersible — which, unlike a submarine, cannot launch itself from a port and must depend on a support ship.

Officials said Monday night they have just 70 to 96 hours to locate the vessel and rescue the five men before they run out of oxygen.

With Post wires