
I lost 60 pounds before my wedding, here’s how

A bride has unveiled her stunning weight loss transformation that saw her fit into her dream wedding gown.

Back in July 2021, Brooke Reffo said her confidence had reached a low point after her weight crept up to the heaviest it had ever been at 203 lbs.

As a hairdresser, she recalled how she would constantly be looking at herself in the mirror while at work each day, which only caused her self-esteem to plummet further.

The strict lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 meant she was staying at home more than ever before, which Brooke said caused her weight to slowly creep up due to eating more and general inactivity.

But when her partner Daniel finally popped the question, she knew she had to make a change so that she could feel like the very best version of herself on her wedding day.

Brooke lost 60 pounds before her wedding day, making her feel ‘healthier’ and ‘stronger.’ Instagram/@brookereffo

Now two years later, Brooke is 60 pounds lighter, three sizes smaller and looks back on her wedding day photographs with pride after putting in 15 months of hard work.

She now feels healthier, stronger and happier than ever in her new 143 lbs, size 10-12 frame.

“I’ve always been a little chubby, but slowly gained weight after moving out of home,” Brooke told

“I reached my heaviest weight a few lockdowns in. It was a hard time for everyone, and I think I used food as a way to cope with the stress of it all.

Brooke put on even more weight during the pandemic, due to eating more and being less active. Instagram/@brookereffo

“With my job as a hairdresser, sometimes we don’t get the chance to stop and have a break to have lunch and get the fuel we need.

“I’d go hours on end without eating, and then binge eat when I got home because I’d be so hungry.

“Being overweight definitely affected my confidence the most. At work, I would catch glimpses of myself in the mirror all day and would feel this sense of disappointment.

“This was especially true when a client would sit in my chair, and I’d compare my size to them.

“I would also often feel embarrassed when shopping with my girlfriends, and I couldn’t fit into certain dresses and things like that.”

Brooke went from being 203 lbs at her heaviest to 143 lbs. facebook/brooke.griffithss

Brooke made a promise to herself that when her partner proposed, she would do everything she could to focus on her health and fit into the wedding dress of her dreams.

The one big thing she changed was her diet, and simply counted her calories each day to ensure she remained in a deficit.

By Christmas, she was already down 37 lbs, and by the following year, she had reached a total loss of 60 lbs.

“I always told myself that I would begin a weight loss journey when my partner popped the question,” she explained.

“So I did exactly that! It was a huge motivation for me. The biggest change I made was my diet.

“I taught myself portion size. For me, my weight loss came down to what I put in my mouth.

“I counted calories using an app. I started low, and then added an extra 100 calories each week until I reached 1800 calories a day.

“That was the most sustainable number for me as a busy hairdresser on my feet, plus I was still in a deficit.”

She also began to incorporate exercise into her routine, starting simply by walking more and getting her daily step count up.

Brooke’s main way to lose weight was changing her diet by being in a calorie deficit. Instagram/@brookereffo

“In the beginning, while in lockdown, I was walking about 6.2 miles a day,” she said.

“This dropped to about 2.5– 3.7 miles once we were allowed back at work.

“I sporadically did a gym class with my friends every now and then, but I really don’t enjoy the gym.

“I also began to ensure I was eating properly and fuelling my body, so that I could avoid those binge episodes.

“I keep high protein snacks at work that will help keep me satisfied until I get home.”

One of the biggest challenges for Brooke throughout her weight loss journey was actually nothing to do with her diet or exercise.

It was how other people began treating her that was the most difficult hurdle to get over.

“It was hard to face the ongoing comments from my clients,” she said.

“I see them every 4-8 weeks and I was losing a noticeable amount of weight between our appointments.

“It took me a while to get used to the constant comments about my appearance. I had people say things like ‘you look so much better’, which was a hard pill to swallow.

“I much more appreciated the questions like ‘are you feeling good?’. But then it turned into “stop losing weight, you’re looking too thin.’

“ I actually developed anxiety and started having panic attacks when getting ready or arriving at a social event.

“It’s taken me a long time to get used to the ‘all eyes on me’ and comments about my appearance. People have laid off with the comments now as my weight has stabilized so it’s old news.”

Brooke was able to fit into the wedding dress of her dreams and walked down the aisle a happy and confident bride in November 2022.

Her advice to anyone looking to make a positive change in their lives is simple: just take that first step.

“Everyone has to start somewhere,” she said.

“It can be just counting your calories to see how many you consume, or going for a walk to get your steps up.

“We all have the power to take control of our own health. Everything in life is so much better when you feel good about yourself.

“My mental health, energy levels and sense of style excelled once I had lost weight. If I can do it, anyone can.”