
Bill and Chirl’s split: Letters to the Editor — July 7, 2023

The Issue: Former Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray’s separation announcement.

Seeing the two boobs who destroyed New York City on the front page of Thursday’s paper gave me a PTSD attack (“De odd couple,” July 6).

These two dysfunctional nitwits sent the city into a downward spiral that it will never fully recover from.

Thomas Urban


Great column by Andrea Peyser (“Chirlane wanted ‘out,’ you can tell,” July 6).

However, she forgets one reason for this frivolous couple not to divorce: spousal privilege.

If either one of them is ever indicted over unaccounted-for funds from the ThriveNYC project, former Mayor Bill de Blasio will not be forced to testify against his wife, Chirlane McCray.

It’s been obvious for years that this was a marriage of convenience. Now it’s a political farce.

Alice Lemos


Former Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray’s announced their separation. Christopher Sadowski

What great comfort to be informed that Mayor Putz and his wife, who did more damage to our city than anyone in history, can still be happily cohabitating while dating others.

With inflation, crime and illegal immigrants running amok, this story is soothing. The only thing that would make it better would be for them to saddle up and ride off to some Marxist utopia forever.

Perhaps Bill can now date a relative of Fidel Castro, and Chirlane can see what’s happening with President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela.

Saul Mishaan


If I never again have to hear another word about Bonnie and Clyde de Stealio, I will die happy.

The only type of models they deserve to be are model prisoners while incarcerated for the nearly $1 billion that was supposed to be targeted for the mentally ill, which they never accounted for as they slinked out of Gracie Mansion.

The couple who was married for 29 years will continue to live together. MediaPunch / BACKGRID

It’s a shame they are dissolving their partnership, as they certainly appear to be two unscrupulous, unprincipled peas in a pod.

E. Muller


De Blasio and his wife, Chirlane McCray, have announced they are separating after 29 years and will date others.

The weird thing is they will continue to live together. I find that very sad. But in the world of politics, there is a lot of stress in a marriage between a man and a woman.

I only can say: I wish them the best. My wife and I have been married for over 36 years and are over 70 years old and have faced many trials and tribulations.

We both kept our vows, but more importantly, it is our love that kept us true to one another.

De Blasio and McCray seems to have forgotten the marriage vow: For better or for worse, through sickness and health, ’til death do us part.

New York Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio embraces his son Dante, left, daughter Chiara, second from left, and wife, Chirlane McCray, right, after polls closed in the city’s primary election, in New York, Sept. 10, 2013. AP

In my opinion, marriage is a legal bond as well as a spiritual bond. Separation and divorce affect many people in our society today, and that is truly sad.

Frederick Bedell, Jr.


Does anyone really care that two losers like de Blasio and Mc­Cray are splitting up?

Bill, the worst New York City mayor of all time, is a phony, incompetent socialist who ran the city into the ground.

Chirlane, a wannabe politician dimwit, squandered millions of dollars through her ThriveNYC mental-health debacle.

They deserved each other. Now, it seems they don’t even like each other, falling in line with the feelings of most New Yorkers. And like most people, I wish they’d just disappear.

Frank Perry

Morristown, NJ

Instead of indicting Daniel Penny in the subway death of Jordan Neely, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg would be better served to indict McCray, who never accounted for nearly $1 billion in taxpayer funds intended to treat the city’s mentally ill.

Bragg should be asking her: “Where’s the money?” It certainly wasn’t spent on mental health, as the program is considered to be a disaster.

Mary Ann Pizzi

East Hanover, NJ

Don’t feel bad for either McCray or de Blasio. They will “thrive” for a long time.

Dan O’Hagan


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