
UFT harm to city kids and more: Letters to the Editor — July 23, 2023

Public-union threat
The Post editorial “The UFT’s War on Kids” (July 15) can and should be repeated with respect to every blue city held hostage by its teacher and municipal unions.
For example, a case can be made that the Chicago teacher union is on a par with New York’s teachers union in the way that the legitimate needs of student and parent are totally ignored. There is never a proposal, policy or strategy that is in any way student-centric.
The greatest threat facing America today is not inflation or climate change, and it does not come from Russia or China. The real threat comes from the ever-increasing power of the bloated, unaccountable public-sector unions on the federal, state and local level. And please forget about any politician at any level holding them in check.
It is well past the time to prohibit collective bargaining at all levels of government.
Patrick L. Vaccaro, New Rochelle

Addiction truth
After reading Craig McCarthy’s excellent article, “Fentanyl puts NYC to the test” (July 17), I came to the following conclusion: The United States doesn’t have a cartel problem, it has an addiction problem.
As McCarthy pointed out, it’s all about supply and demand. The cartels are providing a product — not unlike alcohol corporations (why else would every celebrity stick their name on a bottle of booze?) or tobacco corporations.
Both industries have been killing Americans far slower for far longer. Maybe they should incorporate the Drug Enforcement Administration into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Kathryn Ruskin, Boynton Beach, Fla.

RFK’s COVID rant
The claim of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that the COVID-19 virus was engineered to spare Ashkenazi Jews from its deadly effects struck me as being far-fetched (“RFK: COV may be ethnically ‘targeted,'” July 16).
As an Ashkenazi Jew myself, I spent eight days on a COVID floor in a New York City hospital near death in February 2021.
As he is the grandson of the notoriously antisemitic Joseph P. Kennedy, it is apparent that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It’s time for people of good will to tune out this bigoted nut job once and for all.
Alan Sperber, Manhattan

Attack on elder
I’m wishing a speedy recovery to the poor woman who was assaulted both physically and verbally for admonishing a gang of disrespectful, fare-evading girls (“ ‘Karen’ attack arrest,” July 20).
From the photo displayed in Thursday’s newspaper, her attacker was a hulking woman, whom The Post mercifully described as “heavy-set.”
This callous individual intervened by pepper-spraying the 68-year-old lady and calling her a “Karen.”
Law enforcement should round up the turnstile jumpers and the nasty attacker and lock them all up. It’s time our mayor got tough on crime.
Bill Calvo, Brooklyn

Actors’ strike
Do actors actually think they perform a valuable service (“Poison Paused,” Dan McLaughlin, PostOpinion, July 15)?
If so, then their inflated egos are in for a surprise. We can all live without new shows and awards ceremonies, which are mostly just woke propaganda vehicles anyway.
I only watch news, sports and old movies and have not been to the cinema for years, and there are now plenty of streaming services showing foreign shows. These actors are basically “Bud Light’ing” themselves.
Ephraim Aminoff, Great Neck

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.