
Boebert’s antics and more: Letters to the Editor — Sept. 24, 2023

Boebert’s baloney
Rep. Lauren Boebert blames her antics at a “Beetlejuice” performance in Aspen on her “eccentric” and “animated” personality (“Ex defense of vape, ‘grope,’ ” Sept. 20).

That personality belongs in a circus and not in Congress.

In addition, she expects us to have sympathy for this behavior because she is going through a painful divorce.

One might be inclined to have it if she didn’t cast aspersions on others who support reproductive freedom, drag performers and common-sense gun control.

Laura Logue Rood,


Cop-killer’s parole
I want to thank The Post for informing your readers about the decision of the notoriously anti-police New York Parole Board to release the assassin of Officer James Holmes (“Another cop killer gets a ‘free’ pass,” Sept. 17).

I keep hoping that someone from the Black Lives Matter movement will denounce this release, but since they have never spoken out about the assassinations of any other African-American police officers, I realize that would be too much to hope for.

I just hope that a street will soon be named after Officer Holmes.

John Francis Fox,


NY’s demise
The article in Wednesday’s Post “In a state of decay” (Sept. 20) says it all.

It shows why nothing will change in the true-blue state of New York — 52% of the people see New York going in the wrong direction vs. 35% who think we are on the right track.

Some 83% say the cost of living is a major problem, 73% say crime is a major problem and 62% say the influx of migrants is a problem.

However, Gov. Hochul’s approval rating is 40% favorable, 41% unfavorable.

President Biden does even better with 50% favorable and 45% unfavorable.

How could the people give such poor numbers on the performance of the state but give the politicians much higher grades?

My question is: If it’s not the governor’s or president’s fault, then who is responsible for this mess?

These are the people that will vote Democrat again and again.

Some never learn.

Tom Vespo,


Vape virtues
The best part of my job at our local vape shop is helping adult customers quit smoking nicotine and start vaping it instead (“Hulk/Mike goin’ vape,” Sept. 17).

I smoked for 49 years and gave it up immediately as I learned the benefits of vaping.

I don’t smell like smoke anymore.

I can breathe better.

I’ve stopped coughing and I’ve saved money.

Because of the New York state ban on flavored vape products, we can only sell tobacco flavored vapes; most adults prefer the flavored vapes over the tobacco.

I think more adults would quit cigarettes if it were legal to sell flavored vapes.

I applaud Hulk Hogan and Mike Tyson.

They are helping adults quit cigarettes.

I wish this were the message that your article promoted.

Kjelene Bertrand,

Saratoga Springs

Death of education
Ricki Schlott exposes what is, in reality, the expanding and insidious destruction of America’s education as well as America’s future, specifically its students (“Lefty educators asleep on the job,” Sept. 16).

Lefty educators might just as well shut down the schools and save the taxpayers money.

Why should any student make even the slightest attempt to learn anything since failure is not an option?

Instead of reaching for the skies, progressives are filling the basement.

How tragic.

Samuel Frazer,

Fort Myers, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.