
Britney Spears confirms fans’ ‘suspicions that something’s going on’ are ‘right’: ‘Looks are deceiving’

Britney Spears admits her fans’ “suspicions that something’s going on” with her are valid, adding that the truth of what has been happening in her life is “beyond comprehension.”

The “Toxic” singer penned a lengthy Instagram caption on Wednesday, which she paired with the opening of the animated “Beauty and the Beast” movie — in which the narrator explains how Prince Adam was transformed into the horrific creature.

“I started writing my book two years ago and in those moments in my personal life, I kept to myself!!!” Spears, 41, said of her best-selling memoir, “The Woman in Me.”

She continued, “Not only was my personal life kept secret, but it felt equivalent to 20 years of hard times that I wrote about in my book!!!”

“Can you imagine a 2007 that lasted for three years that nobody even knows about???” Spears wrote, concluding, “It’s over now and I’m incredibly sad about those times!!!”

Spears shaved her head in February 2007, and a year later she was placed under a conservatorship that would last nearly 14 years. She has since claimed that the arrangement was abusive and that her father and conservator, Jamie Spears, mistreated her during its run.

Britney Spears performs during Now! 99.7 Triple Ho Show 7.0 at SAP Center on De.c 3, 2016, in San Jose, California. Getty Images

But the pop star’s fans rallied around her during that time, launching the “Free Britney” movement and bringing their fears that Spears was not happy with the conservatorship to the mainstream media and, ultimately, in front of a judge.

The “Hold Me Closer” songstress continued Wednesday, “It’s weird cause although I do Instagram, I don’t follow social media, the news, and the fan chatter!!! I’ve been doing that this week and it’s weird cause it feels like a lot of fans already kind of know me and they [sic] way they speak is incredibly kind.

“They always a suspicion that something’s going on !!!! Well guess what Britney nerds … you were 100 percent right!!!” the singer admitted. “I don’t have time to speak about any of it cause at this particular moment it’s beyond comprehension!!!”

Spears, 41, made a series of bizarre Instagram posts on Wednesday. Instagram/@britneyspears
She paired her lengthy caption with a clip from “Beauty and the Beast.” britneyspears/Instagram

She did not specify which period of time she was referring to. Spears wrapped up her thoughts by nodding to the 1991 Disney animated classic.

She wrote: “Here’s a clip of my favorite movie!!!! Looks are deceiving !!! I’ve been turned down by so many and incredibly hurt by many. In a world where looks have always been important … where vanity lies … it’s the secret to steal a man’s heart!!!!

“The seductress poison is an allusion!! It’s always been!!! But in the wickedness of that illusion is where we play!!! May I play now??? I found my poison daddy!!!”

The Post has contacted Spears’ reps for comment.

Fans have been concerned about Spears for years. Britneyspears/Instagram

Spears’ often bizarre social media posts have continued to make headlines.

Earlier Wednesday, she likened her brother, Bryan Spears, to “a dad and my best friend” on Instagram amid a continued feud with other family members over the now-concluded conservatorship.

Spears also shared yet another naked video on the platform on Wednesday in which she rolled around in bed before greeting her 42.7 million followers with a goofy “good morning.”

Fans have been particularly fearful for her well-being since September, when she posted to Instagram a now-infamous video of herself dancing with knives.