
Why Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper’s zodiac signs are a rock steady match

Making cheesesteaks, strolling in the rain, hawking cashmere and buying neighboring properties? This could only be the first flush of love betwixt two famous earth signs, my dudes.

Blue-eyed Capricorn king Bradley Cooper and ethereal Taurus Gigi Hadid are allegedly dating, bridging a twenty year age gap and, as some reports claim, chapping the aspirational asses of their respective exes.

Are Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper dating?

Cooper and Hadid were first seen together in October of 2023, breaking bread at West Village Italian spot Via Carota.

Post pasta, Hadid’s ride-or-die Taylor Swift allegedly lent the pair her Rhode Island compound as a coastal love nest, in which to explore their long list of similarities.

In addition to their earthen energy, Cooper and Hadid are both parents. Hadid shares daughter Khai, 3, with ex Zayn Mailk. Cooper co-parents his 6-year-old daughter, Lea de Seine, with former flame Irina Shayk, who has moved on with pigskin playing Leo Tom Brady.

In honor of earth signs and the joy of love, we’re snorting the stardust and sussing out the zodiac compatibility of these two heartbreakers.

Read on to learn more.

Rolling in the dirt

Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid are both earth signs represented by warm blooded animals with formidable horns.

Born April 23 1995, Gigi Hadid is a green acres Taurus sun with a weird-as-I-want-to-be, ghost in the machine Aquarius moon. Bradley Cooper, born January 5, 1975, is an enterprising Capricorn sun with a charm-as-lethal-weapon Libra moon.

Both elementally and aesthetically speaking, these two dreamboats are chock full of compatibility.

While Capricorn wants to earn their pleasure and Taurus sees it as their birth right, the ultimate objective is the same; in the immortal words of The Notorious B.I.G. “f–k bitches, get money.”

Equally hungry, horned and horny, Taurus and Capricorn are both represented by warm blooded animals and are big on stability, playing the long game and leaning hard into creature comforts; sex, snacks, superior quality goods and sleep.

They’re here to get paid and get laid, folks, to work hard and enjoy the fine fruits of their labors.

While Capricorn wants to earn their pleasure and Taurus sees it as their birth right, the ultimate objective is the same. In the immortal words of the Notorious B.I.G. — “f–k bitches, get money” — or you know, “be well loved and well funded.” Same, but different.

For evidence of this ethos, look no further than Gigi a) having a luxury cashmere brand and b) using a picture of Cooper wearing the brand to increase ROI on the company socials.

Shameless promotion aside, there’s an air of discretion to both of these signs. Do not expect public displays of affection, the likes of Ben and Jen — Taurus and Capricorn are content to keep their chemistry behind closed doors. As earth signs they are more interested in the physical experience of love — getting along and getting it on — than the performance or public perception of their connection.

Venus signs and former flames

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk are both Capricorns. AFP/Getty Images

Cooper’s Venus (planet of love and attraction) is in grind or die, live-rich-and-look-good Capricorn, suggesting he likes an earthy broad with serious earning potential.

Checks out, folks.

Meanwhile, Hadid’s Venus in Aries indicates that our girl likes a confident bro that isn’t afraid to claim what he wants and move forward without shame or hesitation towards it. Green lights for Cap daddy B-rad.

In terms of exes — and apropos of his Venus placement — Cooper has dated fellow Capricorns Irina Shayk, and Suki Waterhouse. He was previously linked to Taurus Renée Zellweger and was hitched to Leo Jennifer Esposito for four months in 2007.

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik share a tender moment at the 2016 Met Gala. Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Hadid also seems to have a bit of a Capricorn habit, as both Zayn Malik and Cody Simpson are sea goats, and in a Freudian twist, so too is her mother Yolanda Hadid. Post Malik and pre-Cooper, Hadid was linked to Oscar-winning Scorpio actor and perpetual babe magnet Leonardo DiCaprio.

Fine as trine

Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper were spotted in the same SUV, presumably returning from the love nest lent to them by Taylor Swift, the patron saint of love.

Hadid has her Mars, planet of action and desire, in fixed, fire dancing, limelight lapping Leo, which forms a fortunate trine with Cooper’s Mars in Sagittarius. This fire aspect is a real boon for both sex and camaraderie — the lightning-strike, house-on-fire hotness of attraction is supported by an enduring, elemental understanding of what drives the other person.

This lucky aspect also indicates that disagreements between the two will result in increased chemistry and closeness — differences become the springboard for intimacy rather than the catalyst for severance.

Mars is a high five doling, goal oriented sign. In terms of synastry, Mars trine Mars indicates a healthy balance of independence and mutual appreciation; wearing each other’s jerseys (or cashmere flannels as it were) but playing different sports, if you will.

Teammate and bed-made energy abounds.

It is important to note that Mars in fire signs has zero chill, so it tracks that a source told Page Six, “Their relationship is on steroids. It’s getting serious very quickly.”

Add to the Martian energy that neither Taurus nor Capricorn likes to waste time, money or energy. More into investment than experimentation, when they recognize the good stuff, they go all in and balls deep.

Moonbeam dream

Air recognizes air in the realm of lunar placements. Instagram/@gigihadid

Hadid’s moon in Aquarius trines Cooper’s moon in Libra, a real shining indicator of deep rapport. The moon represents our instinctual nature, internal compass and need for nourishment. Air moons like these two tend to intellectualize emotion rather than embody or embrace it, a dissociative quality that’s alien and alienating to everyone except for…a fellow air moon.

There’s a natural harmony and general ease with this trine and betwixt these two. Also, there’s likely a sense of relief on behalf of both parties, especially Cooper, whose ex Irina Shayk rolls deep with a Scorpio moon that demands emotional emeshment and regular soul baring; not a Saturday night a Libra moon is interested in spending.

In addition to sexual attraction, these two have a clear cerebral connection that makes them feel both enlivened and encouraged to let the other in.

A lunar trine bodes well for living arrangements as well. The homefront is the natural habitat of the moon — this aspect suggests these two would do well shacked up for the long haul.

Or maybe, in true Capricorn spirit, they’ll buy land and build out a small empire together, in an expanse of well-appointed wilderness. Dare to dream.

Healing abounds

Astrologically speaking, Gigi Hadid may offer some real soul balm to Bradley Cooper. Getty Images

Cooper’s Chiron, the tender wound/karmic pain knot he’s here to heal, forms a sextile with Hadid’s moon in Aquarius.

When the point of pain slow-dances with the luminary of emotional nourishment, it can be said that hurt finds a home. Aches are eased, trauma is transformed and the gift of being seen becomes a powerful impetus for individual actualization and mutual benefit.

Whatever is to be between these beauties, they will both be better for having known the other.

Sexual healing, cashmere and cheesesteaks, y’all. Long live love.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.