US News

Sens. Ernst, Rosen urge Biden to increase pressure on Qatar in Hamas hostage negotiations

Senators from both sides of the aisle called on President Biden to increase pressure on Qatar to secure the release of more than 100 hostages still being held captive in Gaza by Hamas terrorists. 

Sens. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) urged Biden, 81, to “further leverage the US partnership with Qatar” and warn the Arab League member that its continued diplomatic relations with the US will be “significantly” impacted if it doesn’t do more to convince Hamas to free the remaining hostages. 

“Qatar maintains close ties with Hamas, hosts senior Hamas leaders, and provides the organization with significant funding, affording Doha outsized access and influence with the group, including with respect to hostage negotiations,” Ernst and Rosen wrote in a Thursday letter to Biden. 

The senators note that along with its close ties to Hamas, Qatar is also a “major non-NATO ally, hosts a large US Air Force contingent at Al-Udeid Air Base, and is a strategic hub for US military operations in the Middle East.

“We are concerned that Qatar is not fully utilizing its leverage to seek further concessions from Hamas,” the senators wrote.

“Therefore, we ask that you make clear to Qatar that the United States is closely watching ongoing hostage negotiations and convey that Qatar’s inability to deliver on its commitments regarding the safe return of all remaining hostages will significantly impact bilateral relations.”

“Time is of the essence to free the hostages – and every diplomatic option must be on the table to secure their release,” Ernst and Rosen wrote in a letter to Biden. Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/Shutterstock
The senators urged Biden to warn Qatar that the US is “closely watching” how it deals with Hamas. AFP via Getty Images

“Time is of the essence to free the hostages – and every diplomatic option must be on the table to secure their release,” they added. 

“Given Qatar’s unique ability to influence Hamas, it is imperative that Doha understands our expectation that negotiations result in the release of all remaining hostages,” the lawmakers argued. 

The White House believes about eight Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas.

The plea from Ernst and Rosen echoes calls from some of the family members of Americans kidnapped by Hamas during the terror group’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel. 

Ruby Chen, the father of 19-year-old Itay Chen, told Fox News “Special Report” host Bret Baier last week that he feels the Biden administration should apply “a bit more” pressure on the international community as it works to free his son. 

Itay Chen was on active duty with the Israel Defense Forces when he was kidnapped from his post near the Gaza border on Oct. 7. Itay is among eight Americans who are believed to still be in captivity in Palestinian territory.

“We feel that the United States, as the leader of the free world … maybe can pressure a bit more, specifically Egypt, Qatar, other players that have influence, in order to get a deal done, signed on the dotted line, to get the hostages out, which is a humanitarian crisis,” Ruby Chen said.