
Rogue migrant buses to face criminal charges as part of Mayor Adams’ crackdown on arrivals

Mayor Eric Adams is cracking down on rogue migrant buses flowing into New York City — threatening criminal charges for charter bus companies that flout the new rules.

Adams issued an executive order Wednesday requiring charter bus companies alert the city’s Emergency Management Office 32 hours before arriving in the Big Apple.

The order also limits drop-off hours to between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. daily and to a single location, on West 41st Street between Eight and Ninth Avenue in Manhattan.

“We cannot allow buses with people needing our help to arrive without warning any hour of day and night,” Adams said in a virtual press conference with Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston.

“This not only prevents us from providing assistance and orderly way, it puts those who have already suffered so much in danger.”

Failure to heed the new rules could result in criminal charges, fines, lawsuits “and even buses being impounded,” Adams said.

Hizzoner’s latest attempt to manage the city’s migrant crisis takes a page from Chicago, where Johnson’s administration earlier this month began targeting charter bus companies with legal action.

Buses arriving from Texas with migrants
The executive order aims at making the arrival of asylum seekers more orderly. Robert Miller

It comes on the heels of a record 14 buses filled with asylum seekers arriving in the Big Apple from Texas in a single day last week.

On Tuesday night, Adams said five buses packed with asylum seekers were driven into the city from Philadelphia after arriving there on a flight from El Paso, Tx.

The charges he referenced would be for violation of a local executive order, a class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to three months imprisonment and fines of up to $500 for individuals and up to $2,000 for corporations.

“To be clear, this is not stopping people from coming but about ensuring the safety of migrants and making sure they can arrive in a coordinated manner,” Adams said.

More than 161,000 asylum seekers have come to the five boroughs since the start of the crisis in the spring of 2022, with more than 68,000 who remain in city care, city officials said Tuesday.

Mayor Eric Adams
Mayor Eric Adams slammed the unscheduled arrival of buses with asylum seekers. William Farrington

Adams and the other Democratic mayors joining him on the call renewed their calls for the federal government to take action and slammed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has sent more than 80,000 migrants to Democratic-led cities across the country since last year.

“I’m proud to be here with my fellow mayors to call on the federal government to do their part with one voice and to tell Texas Governor Abbott to stop the games and use of migrants as potential as political pawns,” Adams said.