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WH correspondents slam CNN for excluding outside press from Biden-Trump debate

The White House Correspondents’ Association blasted CNN in a last-ditch attempt to expand access to the evening’s first presidential debate of 2024 to reporters outside the network.

Troubled suspect accused of threatening to kill GOP prez hopefuls found dead in NH

Tyler Anderson, 30, was facing three counts for sending a threat using interstate commerce and faced up to 15 years in prison. It is not immediately clear how he died.

North Carolina rejects initial ballot access for RFK Jr., Cornel West in boost for Biden

Splitting along party lines, North Carolina's state Board of Elections on Wednesday opted against giving Independent presidential hopefuls Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West ballot access — for now.

Republicans to spend $3 million on ads in Biden's birth state: 'Putting our money where our mouth is'

The National Republican Congressional Committee announced a commitment to spend $3 million on advertising in two critical Pennsylvania House races that could help decide who controls the chamber.

Where is Tenacious D going on tour in 2024?

The subversive shredders have 5 shows lined up this October.

GOP strategists say debate format 'stacked against' Trump, pressure on Biden

Seemingly departing from his self-styled hard-nosed negotiating philosophy, Donald Trump swiftly agreed to the CNN offer last month, biting his tongue at concessions that might've been necessary to draw Biden...

Trump, Biden camps target swing states in pricey debate-day ad buys: ‘Who is laughing now?’

The two major presidential campaigns will get two hours of earned media during tonight’s CNN debate.

Donald Trump should say no to Marco Rubio as veep: ‘Does a headliner tour with his own cover band?’

Simply put, Trump doesn’t need Rubio. It’s Rubio, who has thirsted for the White House for a decade, who needs Trump. 

Megyn Kelly rips debate structure: Trump and Biden 'don't need to be treated like schoolchildren'

Podcaster Megyn Kelly ripped into the structure of the CNN debate between former President Donald Trump and President Biden, suggesting it's paternalistic toward the two contenders to lead the nation.

As an independent voter and Gen-Z woman, here's what I want to hear from Donald Trump

At Thursday's debate, Donald Trump can court disillusioned young voters by leaning into the economy and immigration — while quelling our fears that he's too divisive.

Biden steps out in signature aviator sunglasses ahead of first debate with Trump in Atlanta

The first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle kicks off tonight. Here is everything you need to know about the showdown between President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Trump holds 4-point lead over Biden ahead of first debate — his biggest jump yet, new poll reveals

The results represent Trump’s biggest lead in the national poll this election cycle. 

Voters in crucial blocs reveal why they’re done with Biden ahead of 2024 presidential debate

With President Biden and former President Donald Trump facing off in Atlanta tomorrow, The Post spoke to swing-state voters who were for or leaned Biden in 2020 and are considering...

Milwaukee businessman blames Trump for lack of RNC event contracts — but won't say he hates GOP

Local media are saying the RNC is not going to have the economic impact it was projected to have. Some businesses are seeing their venues booked while other are not.

Here's who will win the first presidential debate

Every pundit across these United States is fielding the same question right now: Who is going to win Thursday night’s debate?

Supreme Court censorship ruling lets Biden muzzle us online

On the eve of the first presidential debate of 2024, the Supreme Court preemptively gave President Biden and his minions an implicit license to meddle in the election — by...

Biden shredded in TV ad highlighting illegal-immigrant murders to air during CNN debate

An advertisement blaming recent high-profile murders of American women on President Biden's border policies will be broadcast twice to swing-state viewers during CNN's Thursday night debate.

Famed polling expert Nate Silver makes bold claim about 2024 election: 'Not a toss-up'

The 2024 presidential battle "isn’t a toss-up," according to renowned election analyst and statistical guru Nate Silver.