
Susan Sarandon claims ‘there’s no place for genocide’ while protesting at NYC anti-Israel rally

Hollywood lefty Susan Sarandon defiantly claimed, “There’s no place for genocide” as she protested against Israel at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge during a chaotic Monday demonstration, online footage shows.

The 77-year-old Queens native and “Dead Man Walking” Oscar winner — who was previously dropped by her talent agency over remarks she made about the Israel-Hamas war — was filmed standing on the Bowery as anti-Israel demonstrators clogged three key Lower Manhattan bridges and the Holland Tunnel on Monday morning.

“Because no one’s free until everyone’s free,” Sarandon said — as an NYPD public address system warned protesters to disperse.

“And it’s my tax money that’s paying for all these horrible weapons. And it’s a genocide — there’s no bystanders in a genocide,” she said in the clip, which was shared by Writers Against the War on Gaza on Instagram.

The “Thelma & Louise” star has been a vocal opponent of Israel’s war on Hamas, which began in Gaza after the Palestinian terror organization launched a sneak attack on Israel on Oct. 7, killing more than 1,200 people, mainly civilians.

The terror organization claims that Israel’s war against it since has killed nearly 23,000 people — mostly women and children — and left 58,000 more injured while a humanitarian catastrophe unfolds in the densely populated disputed region.

Actress Susan Sarandon spoke at the anti-Israel rally at the Manhattan Bridge on Monday. @wawog_now / Instagram
Sarandon said “there’s no bystanders in a genocide.” @wawog_now / Instagram

Sarandon was dropped by her Hollywood talent agency in November after she told a crowd of anti-Israel demonstrators in Union Square that Jews are “getting a taste of how it feels to be Muslim in America,” referring to a spike in antisemitism after Oct. 7.

She subsequently apologized for her remarks, claiming she had made a “terrible mistake” in her choice of words.