
NYC Democratic Socialists push guide for handling encounters with feds amid anti-Israel protests

It’s a new rulebook for radicals.

The Big Apple chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America apparently expects to attract attention from the FBI — and is instructing its members how to behave after participating in hate-filled anti-Israel protests.

The far-left group — which has sponsored and promoted a slew of anti-Israel protests since Oct. 7 — fired off a digital booklet that offers advice “to protect yourself and other activists from government investigation and to empower you to continue the struggle.”

The 29-page guide is titled “If An Agent Knocks” and was created by the Center for Constitutional Rights.

It begins with common tips such as refraining from speaking to the feds, documenting encounters, and lawyering up. 

The radical pearls of wisdom, however, also delve into ways readers can frustrate federal agents’ investigations, such as giving themselves up to authorities outside their homes to prevent warrantless searches of their property.

It also offers tips for identifying undercover G-men and informants.

Cover of "If An Agent Knocks"
The 29-page guide offers common tips when encountering federal agents, like refraining from speaking to officials. Center For Constitutional Rights

City Council Minority Leader Joseph Borelli (R-Staten Island) ripped the literature as further evidence of the political group’s intentions to sow chaos.

“This is no longer a political party wannabe — these are people out to undermine our institutions and have decided to use their hatred of Israel as a catalyst.” 

Seal of FBI on floor
The book also offers tips on how to frustrate feds’ investigations, including advice for identifying informants. REUTERS

Jeremy Cohan, a spokesperson for DSA-NYC, brushed off the criticism, insisting the FBI has long history of suppressing social movements. “People should know their rights, and the resource from Center for Constitutional Rights helps educate people as we continue to stand for peace and justice,” he said.