
iPhone users discover cool way to use emojis: ‘When did this become a thing?’

Thought you’d exhausted all the ways to use emojis?

Think again.

Many iPhone users are going gaga after discovering that they can simply drag digital hieroglyphics into the text boxes on their devices, as seen in X posts blowing minds online.

“We were today years old finding out that we can grab emojis & drag them to the text box!” professional wrestlers Chris and Patrick Vörös — known on the platform as @VorosTwins — wrote in an X post after having the epiphany.

As demonstrated in videos, users simply select the desired emoji and then drag it into the text box, where it balloons into a full-sized image like an iPhone jumbotron.

The function is available on WhatsApp, X and Messenger, where users can even convert emojis to stickers to emphasize a point.

Many iPhone users are going gaga after discovering that they can simply drag digital hieroglyphics into the text boxes on their devices, as seen in X posts blowing minds online. NY Post illustration
X users did not realize emojis could be deployed this way until recently. X/@VorosTwins

This technological revelation blew X’s collective mind.

“YOU CAN JUST DRAG EMOJIS & MAKE THEM PICTURES LIKE THIS?” exclaimed one flabbergasted tech-head, sharing pictures of the blown-up smiley faces.


“OMG YOU CAN GRAB AND DRAG EMOJIS… when did this become a thing?” said a third alongside a giant heart emoji.

An X user demonstrates how to drag and drop emojis. X/@marcelzimmer

There will soon be oodles more of these digital discourse enhancers to drag and drop: Emojipedia recently approved 118 new emojis, which are slated to drop this spring as part of the new IOS 17.4.

Highlights include a phoenix, a shaking head and four gender-neutral families.