
Kourtney Kardashian’s ‘Calma Sutra’ gives 12 positions to cuddle — and sleep better

You’ve probably heard of the “Kama Sutra” — and now there’s the “Calma Sutra.”

Kourtney Kardashian Barker did the unconventional for a Kardashian: She dropped the K and replaced it with a C for a different take on the ancient book filled with mind-blowing sex positions.

Lemme, the wellness brand founded by Kardashian, teamed up with mental health brand Calm to release “The Calma Sutra,” featuring mind-blowing sleep positions.

Kourtney Kardashian Barker’s “Calma Sutra”: A Guide to Peaceful Slumber Calm

The Calma Sutra includes 12 positions — complete with lush illustrations — for sleeping and cuddling.

“Cuddling is a fun way to connect with your partner, relieve stress and prepare for a restful night — and you know we’re all about good sleep over here,” a Calm blog post read.

As Calm explained to The Post, the positions themselves were inspired by well-known and science-backed positions for a good night’s sleep, though the Calma Sutra put a creative spin on the names and descriptions.

In the online guide, each of the 12 positions is accompanied by science-backed sleep tips to give guidance on the best evening routine, sleep schedule, room temperature and more.

The Calma Sutra is accompanied by a Sleep Story narrated by Kardashian, inspired by her sleep-enhancing gummies, Lemme Sleep.

The Calma Sutra includes 12 positions — complete with lush illustrations — for sleeping and cuddling. Calm

“My favorite time is bedtime, and I’m so excited to share this story. Our dreamy partnership is the perfect blend of wellness and relaxation,” Kardashian said in a statement to The Post.

Here are the 12 positions that will help you get “mind-blowing” sleep:

Love Knot

This position has you and your partner making a physical knot with your bodies. Both individuals are on their backs, but they are facing each other, holding hands and locking legs.

“Avoid tying yourself in knots (and support sleep quality) by moving your body,” Calm advises in their tip.

Doing aerobic exercises will get your heart going during the day, but to get your body ready to sleep, switch to gentle movements toward the end of the day.

The Sacrificial Lamb

The optimal bedroom temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees, the guide claims. Calm

This one encourages stealing the blanket from your cuddle buddy — or letting them steal it from you. When your partner is hogging the blanket and leaves you vulnerable to the cold air, that makes you the sacrificial lamb.

Calm pointed out that while this might feel like a selfish move on your partner’s part, they could actually be helping you out since you want to avoid being too hot when sleeping.

The optimal bedroom temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees, the guide says.


Mirroring your partner’s sleep position and style shows the two of you are in sync — whether it’s butt to butt, nose to nose or hip to hip.

Just like twins, sleep and routine have a way of communicating without words — having a regular bedtime routine communicates to your body that it’s time to wind down.

There’s People That Are Cuddling

The Calma Sutra is accompanied by a Sleep Story narrated by Kardashian. Calm

Kim, there’s people that are cuddling!

This position allows for extra wiggle room — for someone else. You and your partner will be spooning as usual, while leaving room on the bed for anyone who wants to join in.

“Sleep comes quicker when you create the right environment for it. Make your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep that has people begging to take a nap with you. That means keeping it cool, dark and quiet, with cozy bedding,” the guide advises.

The Pillow Partner

As Calm explained to The Post, the positions themselves were inspired by well-known and science-backed positions for a good night’s sleep, though the Calma Sutra put a creative spin on the names and descriptions. Calm

Everyone loves a good pillow, and everyone loves a cuddle. So whether or not you have a partner to snuggle up with, this position is for you.

“A sleep companion without the complications. Grab the biggest pillow you can find, wrap your arms and legs around it, and cuddle like there’s no tomorrow.”

It might be hard to tear yourself away from the comfort of your pillow in the morning, but Calm emphasizes the importance of having a consistent sleep schedule — with the same wake-up time and bedtime — in order to regulate your internal body clock.


“Get closer, noses almost touching, and keep that face-to-face bond as your eyes close, entering separate dreamscapes, yet preserving togetherness.”

It’s just like falling asleep while on Facetime, but IRL. In fact, Calm adds that the only Facetime you should be having in bed is with your partner — power down those phone screens two hours before bed to avoid stimulation that will keep you awake.

The Sleeping Sloth

Another way being a sloth can help with sleep is by doing relaxation exercises that will help you doze off. Calm

If you want to wrap your arms around your partner, but the body heat is feeling a little too hot, be a sloth.

“Wrap your arms and legs snugly around your partner, as though hanging from a tree branch, and drift off to dreamland, suspended in sleepy bliss.”

Another way being a sloth can help with sleep is by doing relaxation exercises that will help you doze off.

Reverse Plowgirl

Yes, this sounds like something else — but it’s not.

“Gently extend your arms and legs toward your partner, pressing softly against their back. Doze off to sleep as they look back at you with a dreamy look in their eyes.”

One partner’s shins and forearms are pressed against the other’s back. The person in front will twist slightly to face them for an intimate position that isn’t too much.

The Vampire Council

If you and your partner are both back sleepers but still want to cuddle, “lay down side by side with your partner, each with your arms crossed gently on your chest, and await the sleepy spirits.”

Calm adds that if you’re feeling stiff, try out some stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing or mindful movement — you might be experiencing stress or anxiety.

The Breakfast Burrito

Speaking of burritos, Calm advises finishing your last meal of the day three hours before it’s time for bed. Calm

Get as close as you can to your partner and wrap yourself in the blankets like a burrito, nice and warm.

Speaking of burritos, Calm advises finishing your last meal of the day three hours before it’s time for bed.

“Digesting a heavy meal can keep the body too active for sleep. If you do feel peckish before bed, munch on a light snack.”

The Toy Story

Embrace your inner child. If you remember getting some of the best sleep of your life when you were a kid surrounded by all your favorite stuffed animals, what’s stopping you from doing it now?

“Sleep like a kid again. Spread out across the bed, and encircle yourself with your favorite stuffed animals and pillows,” the guide says.

You’ll sleep like a baby.

Literally Lemme Sleep

A strictly solo nap position. Calm

“This solo position is a nap necessity. Lay down wherever you are, using your arm as a pillow, and get some rest and relaxation in the quiet of the afternoon.”

You need sleep — so get some.