
Rashida Tlaib urges Democrats to vote against Biden in Michigan primary over Gaza war support

‘Squad’ member Rashida Tlaib publicly encouraged progressives to vote against President Biden in Michigan’s upcoming Democratic primary in protest over his support for Israel’s war on Hamas.

“Right now, we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government. If you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted,” she said in a video posted by “Listen to Michigan.”

The “Listen to Michigan” campaign is championed by Tlaib’s younger sister Layla Elabed and encourages Democrats to vote uncommitted in the Great Lake State’s upcoming Feb. 27 primary.

Tlaib (D-Mich) is the sole Palestinian American and one of two Muslim women serving in Congress. She has long found herself at odds with Biden and much of the Democratic Party in Congress over the conflict in Israel.

“It is important as you all know to not only march against the genocide, not only make sure that we’re calling our members of Congress and local electeds and passing city resolutions all throughout our country,” she added in the video.

“It is also important to create a voting block, something that is a bullhorn to say enough is enough. We don’t want a country that supports wars and bombs.”

Rashida Tlaib argued that voting uncommitted will send a strong signal to the president. Getty Images

Tlaib’s staunch defense of the Palestinians has often put her in the hot seat. Last November, the House of Representatives voted to censure Tlaib over her remarks about Israel.

Biden has been publicly supportive of Israel in its war against Hamas following the bloody Oct. 7, 2023 surprise attack.

The war has splintered Democrats, with a sizeable chunk of the progressive base being more sympathetic to the plights of the Palestinians.

Since the conflict began, the Palestinian death toll has surged past 28,000, according to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry.

President Biden has faced intense blowback from progressives over his support of Israel. REUTERS

While affirming support for the Jewish state, Biden has sought to balance the concerns about civilian casualties as well as the treatment of the Palestinians.

“I am of the view that the conduct of the response in the Gaza Strip has been over the top,” Biden said at a press conference earlier this month.

The 81-year-old president has also met with both Muslim and Arab American leaders since the war began, seeking to mend fences.

Earlier this month top administration officials met with Arab American and Muslim leaders in Michigan.

Michigan has the largest Arab population of any state in the country, comprising 2.1% of its demographics. The state is widely considered to be one of the top general election battleground contests.

During the New Hampshire primary, which was not officially sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee, some activists tried to write in “ceasefire” to protest Biden.

Other members of the ‘Squad’ such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have expressed support for President Biden in the election. AFP via Getty Images

Roughly 1.2% of participants or 1,500 voters did so. Biden is the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic nod.

Other progressives who have split with him on Israel such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and fellow “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are backing Biden in 2024.

“I know who I’m going to choose — it’s going to be one of the most successful presidents in modern American history,” Ocasio-Cortez told CNN last week.