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Spanish priest, boyfriend arrested for allegedly running Viagra drug ring out of home

A lead priest of a Spanish church and his boyfriend were arrested Monday for allegedly running a Viagra trafficking operation out of their home, according to reports.

Police burst into Fr. Alfonso Raúl Masa Soto’s alleged drug den shortly after he officiated a funeral at the San Sebastián church in the neighborhood of Don Benito, according to El Español.

He and his lover were taken into custody on suspicion of peddling the powerful sexual stimulant and other “aphrodisiacs” from their home, located just blocks away from the parish.

The pair’s arrest comes after a months-long investigation that involved investigators tailing Soto until they discovered his home doubled as a drug warehouse.

Spanish Fr. Alfonso Raúl Masa Soto of a San Sebastián church was arrested for allegedly running a Viagra trafficking operation with his boyfriend. PLAZA 1 RADIO

Local outlets reported that the priest and his partner received a shipment from Germany of Viagra, classified by the National Library of Medicine as a “chemsex” drug, meaning it is used in the “context of sex parties and sexual intercourses with the intention of facilitating and/or enhancing the sexual encounter mostly among men who have sex with other men.”

Viagra is available from pharmacies under Spanish law.

It is not clear what other drugs the men have been accused of trafficking.

Soto’s lawyer argued that “there is no evidence that incriminates him” and added that “he had no knowledge of anything,” El Mundo reported.

The attorney emphasized that agents “have not searched the sacristy.”

He and his lover were taken into custody on suspicion of peddling the powerful sexual stimulant and other “aphrodisiacs” from their home, located just blocks away from the parish. HOY

In a statement released Tuesday, the Diocese of Plasencia — which oversees the San Sebastián church — said it was “waiting for more information” and for “facts to be clarified” on the case.

“We certainly regret the events described by the pain, suffering and scandal that they entail,” the diocese said.

Parishioners expressed shock at the drug arrest of their head priest, who they described as a well-loved member of the community who gave “perfect” and “doctrinally correct” sermons.

Soto was transferred to Don Benito, despite pleas from his previous parish to prevent him from moving, according to El Español.

The pair’s arrest comes after a months-long investigation that involved investigators tailing Soto until they discovered his home doubled as a drug warehouse. Facebook

Despite taking over as head priest, Soto declined to move into the parish house because it was occupied by his predecessor, who also lived with a sister in a wheelchair.

Soto’s apparent relationship was an open secret in the town — his partner would “discreetly” enter their shared home, but routinely greet neighbors, locals said.

Soto was released from jail after appearing in court Tuesday, though his alleged lover and drug partner was placed in provisional prison without bail.