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Watch as elite Israeli commandos kill Hamas terrorists with grenades in ‘Call of Duty’-style combat video

New video shows Israel’s elite Egoz commando unit taking out a group of Hamas terrorists using grenades and a drone during a “Call of Duty”-esque battle in southern Gaza.

Footage uploaded Sunday depicts the aftermath of a lengthy gunfight between the IDF commandos and two Hamas operatives who were hiding inside a building in Khan Younis.

As the terrorists hunker in the dilapidated building, the Israeli soldiers deploy a drone that reveals the gunmen’s exact location amid the rubble.

The IDF’s elite Egoz commando unit took out a pair of Hamas gunmen with a grenade tossed out of a window following heavy gunfire in Khan Younis.
The unit used a drone to pinpoint the exact location of the terrorists, who they took out with a grenade lobbed from a window.
The commandos and the terrorists had been in a lengthy gunfight. IDF

A commando is then able to accurately toss a grenade out of a window, killing the Hamas members.

A quick inspection shows the downed terrorists, as well as the weapons they appeared to be transporting.

In a separately filmed encounter, the Egoz unit takes out a pair of terrorists elsewhere in Khan Younis using a “pressure cooker” tactic in which they fire continuously at the Hamas gunmen inside a building.

Footage of the aftermath shows the IDF troops scouting the building, firing several additional shots as they entered each room until they located the dead Hamas fighters.

During the raid, the commandos located a weapons cache that included multiple Kalashnikov rifles and magazine ammunition, as well as several grenades and explosives, the IDF said.

Khan Younis continues to see some of the most intense battles of the war as the IDF works to eliminate the remaining terror cells operating in southern Gaza’s largest city.

An inspection after the blast confirmed the deaths of the terrorists.
The commando unit also took out another pair of terrorists and seized their weapons stash in Khan Younis. IDF

The city has been the site of several Hamas tunnel systems where Israeli hostages had previously been held, according to the IDF, as well as the hiding place for several of the Islamist militant group’s top leaders.

IDF estimates it has killed more than 12,000 Hamas operatives and decimated 18 of the terror group’s 24 battalions.

Two of the remaining battalions are currently fighting in Central Gaza, and four others in Rafah, now southern Gaza’s most-populous city with more than 1.4 million refugees.