
Forward, March! Here’s what’s in the stars as the astro weather heats up — from bath water to hell fire

As my pal Jonny reminds me, “March is not a month, it’s a command.”

Let’s get to it folks, but first, a look at what we’ll be stepping in, through, and over in the days to come.

The energy builds this month, from mellow to crescendo, as we start out skinny-dipping in the moon waters of Pisces — and close it out/begin again with the spring equinox and a baptism by fire in the cardinal flames of Aries.

On March 9, Mercury, the fleet-footed, trash-talking, thief-loving emissary of the gods, dips into Aries.

In Aries, Mercury is bracingly direct. it says what it wants and means what it says, a refreshing jolt of clarity amidst the hazy, can’t touch the bottom while I’m floating in this sea of tears, stale champagne and stuffed animal innards’ vibe of Pisces season.

Use the energy of this transit to self-advocate, whether that means setting a boundary, or setting fire to the proverbial boats.

It’s a great time to ask for a raise or communicate a sexual desire you may have felt unease or hesitation around expression.

Aries has no time for shame nor ceremony — neither should you.

On the heels of the new moon on March 10, Venus enters Pisces on March 11.

Venus is the planet of attraction and aesthetics, and in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation, its love light truly shines, illuminating our capacity to mend fences, share wealth and treat sex as psychic medicine.

The spring equinox coincides with the astrological new year and the sun’s shift into Aries on March 19 at 11:06 PM EST.

I liken this transition to being in the warm embrace of an ambient sound bath when all of a sudden someone cuts the lights, enters wearing a flame-throwing codpiece, and cues “Kick Out the Jams.”

It’s jarring, it’s energizing, it’s extra, it’s Aries.

The intensity builds when, a few days later on March 25th, the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra kicks off eclipse season 2024, upending our ideas about me vs. we, equality in relationships and social structures, and challenges us to forsake playing nice for the sake of propriety and playing it safe for fear of failure.

As a guide to March and an early birthday present to the ram contingent, I bring you the words of fellow Aries Tennessee Williams: “The world is violent and mercurial — it will have its way with you. We are saved only by love — love for each other and the love that we pour into the art we feel compelled to share. We live in a perpetually burning building, and what we must save from it, all the time, is love.”

It’s jarring, it’s energizing, it’s extra, it’s Aries.

Pour it out, light it up, and save what you can. See you on the other side.

Read for both your sun and rising signs.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Spring into March — forward we go. Aleksandar –

Before you get to setting the world on fire, Aries, you must rest and ready the kindling. Pisces season highlights your twelfth house of endings, psychic phenomenon, and the unconscious mind. Your best bet is to lay low until the equinox knocks — focus on what you want to offer to the proverbial pyre, so that you might start your season and the astrological new year free, clean, and clear.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Let your heart remain in a state of mutuality this month, Taurus. Sergey Nivens –

In early March, Venus, your ruling planet moves into the depths of Pisces, heralding a time for you to feel more and possess less Taurus, to view others as part of rather than apart from and to conceive of love, not as a territory to claim but a resource to honor.

In a recent Instagram post, Scorpio artist, musician, and motivational speaker Blu of Earth, speaks to the spirit of this transit:

“Maybe the only thing that matters when we’re long gone is how much love we allowed in and out of our hearts. So, what does it look like to redefine our version of success as ‘How safe do people feel in our presence?’ The moral of the story; don’t be a d—k.”

Keep your heart meat in a state of mutuality and let your wildest dream be someone else’s total comfort.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

When Mercury, your planetary ruler enters Aries early this month, you are given the gift of incendiary gab, Gemini. You can use this firepower to burn, incite, or illuminate. Of all the gods in the pantheon, Mercury is the one with the widest range — the heights of heaven to the depth of hell. This span speaks to your potential to be both godly and creaturely.

Gustave Flaubert writes, “Human speech is like a cracked cauldron on which we knock out tunes for dancing bears when we long to move the stars to pity.” May I humbly suggest that bolstered by the burning of Mercury in Aries, you set your sights on lighting up the lofty rather than pandering to the lowly?

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Pisces season opens the doors, windows, and flume of your ninth house of expansion, higher learning, long trips, and limitless potential, Cancer.

Fun fact; the etymology of the word journey can be traced to the French journee. meaning a “day’s work, or day’s travel.” I hope you will keep this OG definition in mind as you make haste for new horizons. Do not be intimidated by the destination and to maximize your efforts, take grandeur, and grand adventures one day at a time.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Engage in shadow play this month, Leo. patpitchaya –

The sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the mighty moon are all spending time in Pisces this month, underscoring your eighth house of intimacy and release, Leo.

You are a ruler of hearts and a lover of love in its sunny, exalted expressions, its bright new beginnings — but you are often trepidatious about what lies beyond and beneath.

I recently watched the Wim Wenders film, “Perfect Days,” in one scene a man asks the protagonist, ‘Do shadows get darker when they overlap?’ I urge you to answer this question through your intimate interactions this month and encourage you to play purposefully in the dark.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

The cluster of planets paddling in Pisces are activating your seventh house of partnership, Virgo.

The Law of Attraction gets a lot of air time, but there are other universal laws more relevant to you this month, namely The Law of Correspondence.

In keeping with the ethos of ‘as above, so below, as within so without,’ this law maintains that your external world is a direct reflection of your inner world.

If you want love, equality, passion, trust, and plenty you must carve those tenants on the cave wall of your own heart. Be it to seek it, baby — you might be surprised that it finds you instead.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Have yourself a lie down on the finest fainting couch you can find, Libra.

March is marching toward an eclipse in your sign and you’ll need every measure of strength and every carat of clarity you can muster. Eclipses are unpredictable and sweeping and often give way to shocking revelations or reversals of fortune.

Bear in mind, the universe is not a malignant force and it only takes away what we are unwilling to surrender.

If you get ahead of the game with a righteous purge, you’ll be primed and ready to receive what is waiting for you in the blue sky beyond.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Be brave enough to welcome levity, Scorpio. konradbak –

Pisces season splashes into the sandbox of your inner child, Scorpio. Life is but a dream for you in the coming weeks, when your magnetism is high and your creativity flows like an openss vein. I beseech you, don’t spoil the fun by second-guessing it or speculating about its inevitable end. Remember, even though you are built to withstand the dark it doesn’t mean you deserve it nor must dwell exclusively in it. As an aside, everything ends so for f—s sake enjoy the good parts and the moments of bald sunshine.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

The tidal pulls of Pisces season wash ashore in your fourth house of root systems, home fires, apron strings, and the ties that bind, Sagittarius. If you’re brave enough to feel, you’re primed to heal this month. Depending on how the concept of home incites you, the mission becomes return or recovery.

If the home you come from is the bedrock, allow the whimsy and warmth of your childhood memories to find and flood you, to remind you of the freedom that you have always had access to.

If home is more harm than harmony, remember that all processing starts with acknowledgment. Whether talking about demons or trauma, calling it by its name is the first step in calling it out of you.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Pisces season laps at the door of your third house of communication and exchange, Capricorn.

You sometimes struggle to create, invest or connect when there is no deadline, deal, or concrete promise of reward.

Yet, when you remove constraints and commerce from the acts of creation and communion, you set yourself free.

Get weird, make a painting out of blood and toothpaste, write a poem you may never read aloud, strike up a conversation with someone with whom you have nothing in common. Open the channel and let it open you.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

You are stardust that deserves gold dust, Aquarius. Stephanie Zieber – stock.adobe.c

Pisces season spills itself into your second house of wealth and worth, Aquarius, making matters of coin and confidence hi-pri.

In her book, “The Soul of Money,” Lynne Smith writes, “Our relationship with money is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves; healing one can heal the other.”

Blessedly, Pisces season is an invitation to repair this connection between currency and your self-concept.

How you hoard, spend, save, squander, give, and receive — all send a message about how you view yourself as a resource. You are divinely deserving, Aquarius.

Repeat after me; I am gold, I will attract gold, I will give gold.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

The last few weeks of your season and Venus and the new moon in your sign all bode well for you, Pisces.

This month I want you to remember that you are mutable water. As such, you get to choose whether to be the psychic receptacle of other people’s fears and feelings and flaccid attempts at loving you, or whether (and for the love of God) you’re ready to adapt and ascend.

Fake it ’til you make it — before you know it, you can and will become someone who can contain multitudes while holding boundaries, not to keep others away but to keep them at bay.

Let your wild imagination — and the influence of solidifying Saturn — aid and abet your cultivation of a new kind of character.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girl’s guide” to strip clubs, and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.