
Airline passenger stunned after getting into bizarre fight with flight attendant over a pen

A Jetstar passenger was left stunned after he claimed a flight attendant wouldn’t let him borrow her pen — and then told him he had to buy one for $5.

Douglas Lazickirk, who was on a flight from Sydney to Seoul, South Korea on Sunday, said he was two hours from landing when he asked a cabin crew staffer for a pen to fill out his arrivals card.

The frequent flyer explained what went down in a TikTok that has left viewers stunned.

“I’ve gone to the back and asked the lady ‘Hey do you have a pen I could borrow? There’s five questions, I just need to answer those questions quickly and write it out’,” he said.

“She goes ‘No you can’t use my pen, but you can buy one for $5 … or when you arrive use a pen there’.”

Confused by her response, he asked the flight attendant again.

Aussie passenger Douglas Lazickirk claims a Jetstar flight attendant wouldn’t let him borrow her pen to fill out an arrivals form. TikTok/@onlytravel

“I was like, ‘So you’re seriously not going to give me a pen just to use?’ and she wouldn’t give me a pen. She said ‘I don’t have to give you my pen’,” Douglas claimed.

He told Yahoo the flight attendant admitted she had a pen on her but it was her “right” to deny him the use of it.

He explained he then went to the other end of the plane to ask another flight attendant to borrow a pen. The other crew member said yes “immediately”.

He was forced to buy a pen for $3 during a flight from Sydney to Seoul, South Korea, on Sunday. TikTok/@onlytravel

“He was shocked,” Douglas claimed. “I’ve caught more than 1000 flights in my life I’ve never been denied a pen.”

Douglas ended up buying a pen for $5, however when landed in South Korea he noticed he was overcharged.

“I check my bank account and I’ve been charged two times – both cards got charged the money,” he claimed in the clip.

“And I am thinking to myself … how many people have they done this to.”

He made a complaint to Jetstar via their website and is hopeful he will get his money back, despite the lengthy refund process.

“I’ve been on the chat talking to them, uploading screenshots and they’re telling me they’re going to get back to me within 15 business days – so that’s three weeks,” he said.

He was allegedly told by another flight attendant as part of their ‘legal responsibility at Jetstar’ they ‘don’t have to supply a pen’. Getty Images

“Then once that refund is approved, which I am sure it’s going to be because I have the evidence, that’s going to be a further 7 to 15 business days for that refund.

“So it’s going to take me at least another month before I get that money back.”

“It’s just taking forever for $20, it’s ridiculous.”

Fellow passengers jumped in the comments section to share similar experiences with various airlines.

“Never purchase anything on flights,” one person suggested.

“I actually got charged four times. Took ages to get a refund,” said another.

Others suggested he dispute the transaction with his bank.