
Queens family hires celebrity security guard to watch over $2M home taken over by squatter

The Queens family whose dream mansion was taken over by a squatter has hired a celebrity security guard to watch over the $2 million home, according to a report.

Susana and Joseph Landa, both 68, haven’t been able to enter their Douglaston, Queens, home since signing the deed in October.

The burly guard was stationed outside the mansion Thursday, one day after news broke that the previous homeowner’s caretaker was refusing to leave the premises.

“I work for the owner of the house. These people are good people, it is a shame what is going on,” the guard told the DailyMail.

The Queens property was supposed to be a dream home for the Landas. WABC-TV
Squatter Brett Flores has been living in the home since the man he was caretaking for died in January 2023. WABC-TV

“There’s probably two people [in the house]. It shouldn’t be happening. Whoever made those [squatters’ rights] rules up is smoking some kind of crack.”

Although he didn’t share his name, the watchman confirmed he had experience working high-profile cases — including standing guard at Bill Gates’ daughter’s 2021 wedding.

The security measure is the latest in a string of desperate attempts by the Landas to wrest control of their property from the squatter, who worked on a $3,000-a-week salary as the caretaker for the former owner until the man died in January 2023.

Susana and Joseph Landa, both 68, haven’t been able to enter their Douglaston, Queens, home since signing the deed in October. WABC-TV
The couple hoped to move into the home and begin their retirement together along with their son. WABC-TV

Brett Flores, 32, has repeatedly claimed the previous owner gave him a “license” to live in the house, despite the Landas’ legal purchase of the property in October.

The couple had high expectations for the home: Close to relatives, the location was perfect for their son Alex, who has Down syndrome and could be easily looked after if something were ever to happen to the couple.

“I just want to know that I can die tomorrow and he’s next to his brother,” Susana Landa told ABC 7.

The squatter has not only been running up a hefty tab on the Landas’ dime, but is even listing rooms in the mansion for rent. WABC-TV
The couple had high expectations for the home: Close to relatives, the location was perfect for their son Alex, who has Down syndrome and could be easily looked after if something were ever to happen to the couple. WABC-TV

The squatter has not only been running up a hefty tab on the Landas’ dime, but is even listing rooms in the mansion for rent.

The couple has unsuccessfully tried to evict Flores, who is protected from being booted thanks to his recent bankruptcy declaration.

What you need to know about squatters in New York:

What are squatter’s rights in New York?

Squatters in New York state can claim a legal right to remain on a property without the owner’s permission after 10 years of living there. However, in New York City, a person only needs to be on the property for 30 days to claim squatter’s rights.

Why is it so hard to get rid of a squatter?

Squatters are allowed a wide range of rights once they have established legal occupancy, making it difficult to evict them.

How does someone become a squatter?

Some of the scenarios in which a person becomes a squatter include: a tenant refusing to pay rent, a relative of a former owner refusing to leave the property or even a stranger who entered the property and never left.

According to Manhattan-based law firm Nadel & Ciarlo, squatters must have a reasonable basis for claiming the property belongs to them and must treat the home as if they were an owner — such as doing yard work or making repairs.

How can a property owner get rid of a squatter?

A property owner must first send a 10-day eviction notice and then file a court complaint if the order is ignored. If approved by a judge, the owner can get a summons and have a sheriff evict the squatter.

Why does the law provide squatters with rights?

The law was designed to help prevent long-term tenants from getting evicted. New York City’s law was partially made in response to vacant and abandoned buildings that were becoming a blight on the city.

How can property owners protect themselves from squatters?

Owners should avoid keeping any properties vacant for an extended period of time. They should also make sure the building is secure, has adequate lighting and has surveillance cameras installed.

If a squatter does appear, owners should notify the police quickly before squatter’s rights are established.

The Landas have had five hearings in civil court since they bought the home, but the process keeps getting held up by Flores’ antics.

The couple has tried to evict Flores, who is protected from being booted thanks to his recent bankruptcy declaration. WABC-TV
The squatter has not only been running up a hefty tab on the Landas’ dime, but is even listing rooms in the mansion for rent. James Messerschmidt

The couple are taking Flores to landlord-tenant court in hopes of getting him evicted, but the court hearing is not until April.

“It makes me feel completely forgotten in this legal system, unfair, and not able to do anything,” Joseph Landa said.