Food & Drink

How often do you think about Dunkaroos? Here are the snacks adults are most nostalgic for

There are so many things that hold a deep sense of nostalgia. 

Old TV shows, toys, music and, of course, snacks, are among them. 

A study conducted by Spin Genie analyzed Google search data to uncover the nostalgic snacks that people are searching for the most. 

Some of these favorites can still be found on store shelves, but for others, new snacks now stand in their place. 

Take a look at these top 10 most-searched nostalgic snacks.

  1. Dunkaroos
  2. Oreo Cakesters
  3. Bagel Bites
  4. Tab soda
  5. Fruitopia
  6. Crystal Pepsi
  7. Kudos granola bars
  8. Orbitz drinks
  9. Waffle Crisp cereal
  10. Rice Krispies cereal

1. Dunkaroos

What’s better than cookies dunked in sugary frosting? 

Dunkaroos are a beloved snack, taking the top spot, according to Spin Genie. Dunkaroos come in a container made up of cookies and a compartment for dipping with frosting or icing.

Dunkaroos are a beloved snack, taking the top spot, according to Spin Genie. homank76 –

Dunkaroos were taken off the shelves for a time but were brought back again in 2020.

2. Oreo Cakesters

An Oreo Cakester is basically an Oreo cookie, but softer. 

Instead of the frosting sandwiched between the classic cookies, this version of the snack features cake-like cookies with frosting in the middle. 

After being discontinued for ten years, Nabisco brought Oreo Cakesters back in 2022. sheilaf2002 –

This product was also discontinued. 

Ten years after pulling them from the shelves, Nabisco brought them back in 2022.

3. Bagel Bites

Bagel Bites still stand to be a popular after-school snack. According to Spin Genie’s data, Bagel Bits are the third most nostalgic snack. 

The concept of a Bagel Bite is quite simple. It’s basically a mini pizza, a bite-sized bagel topped with cheese and pepperoni.

According to Spin Genie’s data, Bagel Bits are the third most nostalgic snack.  Getty Images

Bagel Bites can be heated in the microwave or the oven. 

If you love Bagel Bites, don’t worry. This snack can still be found.

4. Tab soda

Tab soda was released in the 1960s and remained a popular beverage for many years up until 2020, when it was discontinued.

Tab was one of the first diet sodas on the market. Its low-calorie count was a huge appeal for buyers.

Tab soda was released in the 1960s and remained a popular beverage for many years up until 2020. Corbis via Getty Images

When alternatives like Diet Coke started hitting stores, the popularity of Tab declined, leading to its ultimate discontinuation.

5. Fruitopia

Fruitopia was advertised as a healthy alternative to soda. The Coca-Cola company launched the product in the early ’90s, and it had a successful run. 

The fruity drink featured flavors like Tangerine Wavelength, Strawberry Passion Awareness, Fruit Integration and Blueberry Watermelon Wisdom.

The Coca-Cola company launched the product in the early ’90s, and was advertised as a healthy alternative to soda. CocaCola

While the Fruitopia that ’90s kids remember is no longer available in the United States, there were select flavors that were revamped under Minute Maid. 

6. Crystal Pepsi

Crystal Pepsi was a no-caffeine, colorless version of the classic beverage.

People are still searching for Crystal Pepsi today, according to Spin Genie.  

Crystal Pepsi was a no-caffeine, colorless version of the classic beverage. primestockphotograpy –

The clear soft drink was released by PepsiCo in the early ’90s. The drink has since been discontinued, but it has come back as a limited-edition flavor. 

7. Kudos granola bars

These granola bars were a yummy treat. Produced by Mars Inc., these granola bars were coated in chocolate or caramel. 

One popular version of the bar was covered in M&Ms. 

Produced by Mars Inc., these granola bars were coated in chocolate or caramel.  Kudos

These granola bars were quietly discontinued in 2017.

8. Orbitz drinks

Orbitz drinks were short-lived but highly remembered.

The odd drinks were released in the ’90s. 

Orbitz was released in the 90s and was short lived. YouTube / Industrial Industries World Radio

The drinks contained edible balls floating around the liquid.

9. Waffle Crisp cereal

Post Consumer Brands released a cereal in 1966 that encompassed a “perfect breakfast.” 

Waffle Crisp was discontinued from 2018 to 2021 but came back for a limited run.  Amazon
Rice Krispies cereal is a fan-favorite on its own and a popular dessert. Adriana –

Each bite of the waffle-shaped cereal had notes of maple syrup. 

This cereal was discontinued from 2018 to 2021 but came back for a limited run. 

10. Rice Krispies cereal

Rice Krispies cereal is a fan-favorite on its own and a popular dessert.

Rice Krispies can be enjoyed with a splash of milk for breakfast or combined with melted marshmallows and butter for a tasty dessert.