
Jon Stewart’s anti-Adams screed reveals the out-of-touch arrogance of elitist Democrats

Multimillionaire Jon Stewart has a message for Mayor Adams and the millions of other everyday New Yorkers being slammed by the migrant crisis: Suck it up.

On Monday night’s Daily Show, the comedian slapped Adams for changing his position on migrants, contrasting a clip of the mayor lauding the pro-immigrant message on the Statue of Liberty in 2022 with him declaring “we have no more room in this city” in July 2023.

“It took two bus loads of Venezuelans” to get Adams to change his tune, Stewart snarked.

Two bus loads!?

Try up to 600 illegal migrants per day, and well over 100,000 total by the time of the “no room” remark — which was also accurate, since the city had already been forced to resort to tents to “house” the endless influx.

Now it’s more than 175,000; the hotels and emergency intake centers are bursting.

Migrants are sleeping on the streets, moving into homeless shelters or taking up in illegally run boarding shelters.

And even Emma Lazarus’ poem doesn’t promise free housing, food and medical care to the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Adams’ modest evolution (he’s also now in support of bouncing migrants who commit significant crimes here) is all about confronting changing facts and accepting reality — plainly, a foreign concept to progressives like Stewart.

Indeed, the holier-than-thou jokeman smirked on: “It turns out in the age-old battle between values and fear, values never had a f–king chance.”

What, exactly, are the “values” served by ignoring the fact that the migrant influx has brought in violent criminals and roving gangs of thieves who are terrorizing the city?

Or the fact that spending billions on migrants impacts city services for other “tired and poor” New Yorkers?

Stewart’s wealth insulates him from such consequences; easy enough then to wave off disagreement as mere bigoted whining.

Hey, Jon: To give those values “a f–king chance,” why don’t you offer up your $5 million, 5-bedroom, 4,850 square-foot New Jersey manor to house some migrants?

Surely there’s enough room to pitch some tents on the 45-acre property.

Pending that, Stewart may want to keep his smug call-outs to himself, and stop revealing how grotesquely out of touch he is.