
NYC Mayor Eric Adams hits back at Washington after being blamed for Big Apple getting just sliver of pledged migrant crisis funds: ‘Have they stepped up?’

Mayor Eric Adams hit back at Washington Tuesday over claims City Hall was to blame for the feds only coughing up a sliver of the $150 million it promised to help the Big Apple cope with the migrant crisis.

A fired-up Hizzoner pushed back on the notion that his administration hadn’t correctly filed the required paperwork needed to obtain the federal aid — a day after his budget chief revealed the city had secured just $49 million so far.

“You’ve got to send in so many documents, which we have been doing,” Adams insisted during his weekly briefing at City Hall Tuesday.

Mayor Eric Adams on Tuesday hit back at claims his administration was to blame for a delay in federal funds being issued to help cope with the migrant crisis. Paul Martinka

“Every penny we can get, we’ve been going after.”

An anonymous official in President Biden’s administration accused the city Monday of not stepping up to the plate, telling the New York Daily News that the Adams administration simply hadn’t submitted the paperwork needed to unlock the funds.

“Unfortunately, they have not stepped up to the plate,” the Biden admin official told the News. “There really isn’t a federal government problem here. They just haven’t submitted the documentation to unlock the funds.”

Asked about the comments during Tuesday’s briefing, Adams shot back: “Have you guys stepped up to the plate? Ask them have they stepped up to the plate? New Yorkers have stepped up to the plate.”

The mayor noted that even if the city recouped the full $150 million, it would still be just a drop in the ocean compared to the $4 billion the Big Apple has already shelled out to house and feed more than 170,000 asylum seekers since spring of 2022.

“Even if we had gotten a whole $150 million, we have a $4 billion price tag,” he said. “If someone is saying New York hasn’t stepped up to the plate after spending $4 billion…”

The Big Apple has already coughed up $4 billion to cover the costs of housing migrants since spring 2022. REUTERS

“The best way to take people’s mind off the real issue is to use some sort of slight of hand,” Adams added, as he ripped the Biden admin official.

First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright jumped in and defended City Hall’s handling of the reimbursement process, saying a “very sophisticated” team in the city Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was on the case.

“We have received billions, upon billions of dollars from the federal government. We know how to submit paperwork and do applications,” Wright said. “I think the question for them is why haven’t these funds been released.”

The mayor’s chief advisor, Ingrid Lewis-Martin, also chimed in, arguing: “If they feel we’re not doing the adequate job, why don’t give us resources? Why don’t they come and say this is what you need to correct?”

The federal government’s promised $150 million is a paltry 1.5% of the city’s total projected $10 billion bill to deal with the migrant crisis through 2025. Christopher Sadowski

“In our administration, if we give people paperwork and they can’t get it done, we assist them,” she continued.

The back-and-forth came after OMB Director Jacques Jiha disclosed during a City Council budget hearing that the city hasn’t yet been able to claw back two-thirds of the federal aid because of “stringent” reimbursement guidelines.

“The requirements are so stringent, that it is very difficult for us to do so, but we’re working the collect the remaining $107 million,” he said, without elaborating further.

The federal government’s promised $150 million is a paltry 1.5% of the city’s total projected bill to deal with the migrant crisis, which local officials forecast will set Gotham back $10 billion through next fiscal year.

Gov. Kathy Hochul, meanwhile, has vowed to cough up $4.3 billion in state funds across 2024 and 2025 to help with the asylum seeker crisis.