
NYC schools’ antisemitism problem: Letters to the Editor — March 7, 2024

The Issue: Reports of antisemitic incidents in two New York City high schools.

Antisemitism is exploding in New York City schools, and the Department of Education and United Federation of Teachers seem powerless to stop it (“The kids are all reich,” March 3).

Many people who are deeply enraged by the current state of affairs (as I am) seem to have forgotten one basic tenet of adolescent psychology.

Whenever authority figures attempt to inculcate moral values in adolescents, a disturbingly large segment of adolescents will believe in the very opposite of whatever values are being promulgated.
The hooligans that run rampant in these schools have turned antisemitism into another playing field upon which they can act out their dissatisfaction with their elders.

David Rabinovitz


As a retired teacher, I’ve noticed that conservative educators generally do not tolerate inappropriate behavior: There are consequences. Meanwhile, liberal educators are often reluctant to discipline.

Help these young, crazed minds. It’s obvious that the problem will get worse if it is not addressed. We must teach.

Marcy May

Summerfield, Fla.

I want to offer my sympathy to the Jewish teacher and students who were harassed at Origin HS, and also to the black and LGBT students who have been harassed there. I can’t help wondering if the offending students’ parents ever taught them to be respectful.

John Francis Fox


This was so sad. I find the students’ actions to be appalling. These students must be taught that their hate is wrong.

My question to these students: If they were born Jewish, how would they then feel about this terrible anti-Jewish hatred?

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


Why hasn’t the acting principal been removed for failing to suspend or expel such ill-behaving students? Where is the teachers union in this matter?

Start disciplining and remove these students immediately. Fine the parents of the offending students as well.

Ed Greenspan


The Issue: Judge Valentina Morales’ pattern of releasing alleged violent criminals.

Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Valentina Morales allowed Eric Taylor back out on the streets, giving him the opportunity to attack another unsuspecting person if he so desired (“Another thug sprung,” March 3).

Morales has a history of letting violent people back on the streets to continue perpetrating acts of mayhem on the citizens of New York.

Maxine Uretsky


This poor woman almost lost an eye when she was attacked by this felon. What does the judge do? Release him to prey upon us.

The alleged assault doesn’t warrant release without bail. It’s a criminal act. The judge has put us all in danger.

Bill Verderose


Even when the Manhattan District Attorney’s office seeks cash bail for a violent, bail-eligible offense — an altogether too rare event these days — misguided, soft-on-crime judges like Morales are letting dangerous criminals back on the streets to commit even more crimes.

The Post’s photograph of the victim — a young, innocent woman with a horrible black eye — says everything we need to know about the abysmal state of New York City’s criminal-justice system.

Marc E. Kasowitz


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.