
You need a VPN (at 50% off) if you’re traveling — or even just surfing the web

No matter the time of year, no matter where you go, you should have a travel VPN. As editors and reporters who often work remotely, we know this. If this is news to you, stay tuned…especially since our pick from Norton is currently 50% off for the first year.

In an age where technology is deeply intertwined with our daily lives, the need for cybersecurity measures has become more important than ever, especially while traveling. Whether you’re jet-setting across the globe or simply enjoying a weekend getaway, accessing the internet while on the go poses a serious set of risks. Public Wi-Fi networks — you know, those seemingly benign internet connections in airports, hotels, cafes, and other public spaces — can be breeding grounds for cyber threats. This is where Norton VPN steps in as your trusted ally, offering protection and peace of mind in the digital realm.

Risks of Traveling Unprotected

Traveling often means relying on public Wi-Fi networks to stay connected. While convenient, these networks are notoriously insecure, making unsuspecting users vulnerable to various cyber threats. From identity theft and data breaches to malware attacks, the risks associated with unsecured Wi-Fi connections are numerous.

Essentially, hackers can exploit the inevitable vulnerabilities of public networks to grab your sensitive information, from login credentials to credit card numbers and personal data.

For travelers, the consequences of falling victim to cybercrime can be pretty severe, ranging from financial losses to damage to reputation. Additionally, the hassle of resolving these issues can significantly disrupt travel plans and dampen the overall experience.

What is Norton VPN?

Norton VPN, part of the renowned Norton suite of cybersecurity products, is a comprehensive solution to safeguarding your online presence while traveling. By encrypting your online communication and routing your traffic through secure servers, Norton VPN creates a virtual tunnel that shields your data from prying eyes, regardless of your location. But what specifically makes it so special?

Encryption protection

Norton VPN uses cutting-edge encryption protocols to scramble your data, making it unreadable to unauthorized parties. This helps ensure that your sensitive information remains confidential, even when transmitted over unsecured networks (like those in airports, hotels, etc.).

Anonymous Browsing

With your Norton VPN, you’re essentially browsing the web anonymously, obscuring your digital footprint and thwarting attempts to track your online activities. This not only enhances your privacy but also mitigates the risk of targeted advertisements and invasive tracking mechanisms.

Access to geo-restricted content

Beyond security benefits, Norton International VPN network enables you to surf the web  and access the Internet just like you are at home. while traveling. Go ahead and stream your favorite movies when you travel using Norton VPN, empowering you to navigate digital landscapes with freedom.

Multi-platform compatibility

Available across a wide range of platforms and devices, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, Norton VPN seamlessly integrates into your digital ecosystem, ensuring consistent protection across all your devices.

User-friendly interface

Designed with simplicity in mind, Norton VPN features an intuitive interface that caters to users of all levels of technical proficiency. With just a few clicks, you can connect to secure servers and fortify your digital defenses against cyber threats.

Norton VPN

Norton VPN product" - a laptop on a table

In an era where cyber threats loom large, especially for travelers, Norton VPN emerges as a beacon of security and reliability — and savings, now that it’s 50% off for the first year. By leveraging its advanced encryption technologies and intuitive design, Norton empowers users to explore the digital world with confidence, knowing that their online interactions remain shielded from prying eyes.

Whether you’re conducting business on the go, staying in touch with loved ones, or simply leisurely browsing the web, Norton VPN offers unparalleled protection against cyber threats, ensuring that your travels are marked by serenity and security in equal measure. As you embark on your next adventure, let Norton be your trusted companion in the ever-evolving wilderness that is the digital world.

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