
Hillary Clinton tells voters to ‘accept the reality’ Biden is ‘old’ and re-elect him anyway

Hillary Clinton says it’s time for Americans to just accept that President Biden is old — but vote for him anyway.

“Somebody the other day said to me: ‘Well, but, you know, Joe Biden’s old,'” the former secretary of state recalled during a Super Tuesday interview on “Mornings with Zerlina.”

“I said, ‘You know what, Joe Biden is old. Let’s go ahead and accept the reality. Joe Biden is old,'” Clinton said of the 81-year-old commander-in-chief.

Hillary Clinton weighed in on President Biden’s age on Super Tuesday. X / @ZerlinaMornings

Still, Clinton urged voters to still back Biden, saying that mushrooming fears over the oldest-ever president — who would be 86 at the end of a second term — are nothing compared to those of former President Donald Trump, 77, returning to the White House.

“So we have a contest between one candidate who’s old, but who’s done an effective job and doesn’t threaten our democracy,” she said of her fellow Democrat.

Hillary Clinton addressed President Biden’s age during an interview on the “Mornings with Zerlina” radio show on SiriusXM. X / @ZerlinaMornings

“And we have another candidate who is old, barely makes sense when he talks, is dangerous, and threatens our democracy,” she said of Trump, who is just one year older than she.

“Pick between your two old ones and figure out how you’re going to save our democracy,” she told host Zerlina Maxwell on the SiriusXM show.

“Because no matter where you stand on the political spectrum, you want to maintain freedom, and the rule of law, and protection for people’s fundamental rights, or at least I used to think so.”

Clinton says it’s time for Americans to just accept that President Biden is old — but still vote for him anyway. AFP via Getty Images

The Democrat notably sidestepped the issue of the president’s mental fitness for office — a month after Special Counsel Robert Hur released a damning report on Biden’s handling of classified documents that described the commander-in-chief “as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

A recent New York Times/Siena College poll has found that the majority of the voters who backed Biden in 2020 now believe he is too old to serve another term.

Some 61% of those voters said they somewhat or strongly agreed that the 81-year-old is “just too old” to be effective as president.

Clinton says former President Trump “barely makes sense when he talks, is dangerous, and threatens our democracy.” AFP via Getty Images

Among all registered voters surveyed, nearly 73% responded that Biden was too old to lead.

In contrast, 42% of registered voters said the same about Trump.

Among voters who backed Trump four years ago, just 14% said he was too old to be effective as president.  

And there was more bad news for Biden in the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Monday, which found that more than 6 in 10 adult Americans, or 63%, said they were not very or not at all confident in Biden’s mental capability to serve effectively as president.

In that poll, some 57% of respondents also said that Trump lacked the memory and mental acuity for the top job.