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Kevin Bacon, runaway 450-pound pig, lured back to Wisconsin pen with Oreos

Talk about colla-boar-ation.

A Wisconsin homeowner helped lure his neighbor’s runaway pig back home last week with a trail of Oreos.

The 450-pound porker, aptly named Kevin Bacon, had escaped his pigpen Friday sometime in the hours after his owner left for the weekend and wandered an entire mile down the road.

Kevin Bacon walked a mile from his pen Friday in search of either friendship or sweets. Kenosha County Sheriff's Department

Whether he was in search of friends or sweets, Kevin landed on the Molgaard family’s backyard doorstep and was caught hamming it up on their security camera.

“My wife spotted an unusual shaped figure on our driveway camera walking along our garage,” Jake Molgaard told the Associated Press Wednesday, adding that the bulky stranger “ended up coming right up to our back door.”

“My wife started feeding him right away,” said Molgaard, 40, a local business owner. “That’s what she does with every animal that comes to our backyard.”

Kevin scarfed down apples, rice cakes, tomatoes and carrots while the Molgaards began working to track down where he could have come from.

While the family are not farmers themselves, their town of Brighton, about 38 miles south of Milwaukee, was home to plenty of farms and orchards.

By a stroke of luck, a good friend of the couple recognized Kevin instantly and connected the Molgaards with the owner — who was too far away to come retrieve the hog himself.

The 450-pound pig gobbled up apples, rice cakes, tomatoes and carrots before he was offered Oreos. AP

The owner asked the family if they could “lure” Kevin back to his property, a task that could be easily accomplished by offering the pig some of his favorite treats: cookies, marshmallows and other sweets.

Luckily, the Molgaards had plenty of Oreos for the job, they told TMJ4.

To their great excitement, deputies from the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department were enlisted to help escort Kevin Bacon back home in what they dubbed a “typical county call.”

The one-mile trip took a jaw-dropping two-and-a-half hours to complete, Molgaard said.

It took two-and-a-half hours to “lure” Kevin Bacon back to his pigpen. AP

The deputies and Molgaard family didn’t seem to mind, however. Molgaard’s 16-year-old daughter, with the permission of Kevin’s owner, hopped on the pig’s hairy back during the voyage and the cops made time for plenty of photo ops with the porker.

The bizarre encounter even led to a newly forged friendship — Molgaard and his family have visited Kevin every day since with a box of donuts in hand.

“He is a massive creature, but the owner says he’s a gentle giant,” Molgaard said.