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Embattled ‘Dolton dictator’ Tiffany Henyard, accused misusing funds for lavish trips and $1M security detail, vetoes probe into her spending

Self-described “super mayor” Tiffany Henyard vetoed a resolution seeking to investigate her spending following allegations that she misused taxpayer money on lavish trips and her own $1 million police detail.

The Dolton, Illinois, village board unanimously voted to open a probe into Henyard, calling on her to submit the village’s financial records and inviting the FBI to conduct its own investigation.

Henyard, however, issued a veto on Monday, claiming the resolution was the result of personal attacks against her and stemmed from one-sided narratives.

“As you can see, our village, our community, myself, we are under attack,” Henyard said at the village board meeting. “It’s a shame that people can come to meetings and just tell one side of the stories and not get the entire side of both stories.” 

Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard vetoed a resolution aimed at investigating her spending following allegations that she misused taxpayer money for herself. WGN News

She claimed that the village board was “a boys club” that doesn’t want women like her leading, with Henyard vowing to “fight back” against the alleged smear campaign against her.

“I’m going to always fight for what’s right, and I always stay the course. And I will be victorious when all the dust clears,” she added.

During the village board meeting, the embattled mayor also admitted to a $2 million deficit, with Dolton owing more than $427,000 for street paving and another $400,000 for tree-trimming services, local WGN 9 reports.

Members of the village board, who vowed to override her veto during next month’s meeting, claimed that the deficit was millions more than Henyard’s estimates.

Dolton resident Vivian Allen called on the mayor to resign on Monday after she admitted to a $2 million deficit. WGN News
Edward Steave, a former village trustee, said Henyard should stop blaming others for the backlash facing her. WGN News

“The mayor can blame everybody for what’s going on, but she has to look at herself,” former trustee Edward Steave said during Monday’s heated meeting.

Vivian Allen was among the residents who came out to criticize the mayor, echoing calls from the village board for her to step down to save Dolton’s finances.

“You lied to us as residents. You do not, you do not stand for me,” she said. “And I want you to step down as mayor today and save our village from this deficit you have caused.”

Henyard is accused of spending taxpayer money on lavish and unnecessary trips and a police detail. Tiffany Henyard / Facebook
The mayor can be seen on large billboards across town. Tiffany Henyard / Facebook

While the village has yet to formally invite the FBI to investigate Henyard, federal investigators are allegedly already in Dolton questioning the mayor’s alleged victims.

Last month, resident Lawrence Gardner, 57, told The Post he visited an FBI office after Henyard shuttered his trucking business because he refused to renew a $3,500 political contribution.

The FBI told Gardner it received scores of complaints against Henyard.

Henyard has been accused of spending taxpayer money on lavish and unnecessary trips and forking over $1 million for a police detail, then using its members to retaliate against her perceived enemies

The former burger joint owner-turned-local politician also is known to attend meetings dressed as a movie gangster to intimidate her critics.

Henyard once channeled drug kingpin Nino Brown from the 1991 gangster movie “New Jack City” at a 2023 gathering.

“People look at politics like a joke, it’s like a mockery right now because of all this stuff,” Village of Dolton Trustee Kiana Belcher told The Post. “She comes to board meetings dressed like Nino Brown.”