
Jana Hocking: ‘I’ve found where all the single men are hiding’

Last week I stumbled upon a room filled with single men.

Some would suggest it was like a grown woman’s Disneyland.

(Me. I would suggest it.)

And I really want to help some sisters out and tell you all where it is, but I’m a touch worried you will flock to it like horny rabbits and before long, they will all be gone.

But in the spirit of our Holy Mother, Taylor Swift, and inspired by her lyrics “Karma is my boyfriend,” I’m hoping if I tell you, some good karma (a.k.a. boyfriends) will come my way.

So prepare to actually close those online shopping carts filled with date night outfits, because we are going out!

It all started last Thursday when I organized to catch up with a friend who lived on the other side of the city, so we decided to meet wham-bam in the center of the city where we both work. Jana Hocking

It all started last Thursday when I organized to catch up with a friend who lived on the other side of the city, so we decided to meet wham-bam in the center of the city where we both work.

We chose a bar that was surrounded by legal firms, corporate finance offices and the radio station I grace each week.

Straight after work at around 5 p.m., I strolled into this bar and expected to nab a table for us easily, but the bar was packed.

With men. Glorious men.

In business suits and a hint of aftershave mixed with sweat after a long day making money.


This was no fancy wine bar, or the hottest new restaurant that we women tend to choose on a night out.

Straight after work at around 5 p.m., I strolled into this bar and expected to nab a table for us easily, but the bar was packed with glorious men. Jana Hocking

It was a simple establishment designed for happy hour.

Over the next couple of hours, we flirted our way through conversations with men who were stoked to see us there.

We were shouted rounds of drinks, and shots, and for the first time in years, we jumped up on the dance floor on a school night.

Was it worth the slight hangover the next day?

Oh yes.

Then, the following weekend, I once again found myself in a flock of men.

(Side note: What do we call a flock of men? A herd, perhaps?)

Anyway, it was Sunday, and I woke up fresh as a daisy. The sun was out, and I decided it was a glorious day to sit in the sun with a bottle of wine and the girls for company.

So I sent out a group message toot suite and we all gathered at the local pub walking distance from my apartment.

Now, we had not gotten the memo that the football season had just started, and this giant “herd” of men had gathered at said pub to scream violently at the TV while they enjoyed beer.

A marvelous spectacle to watch.

As my girlfriends and I all tried to find each other in the maddening crowd, here is a glimpse of our group text:

Last week I stumbled upon a room filled with single men. Some would suggest it was like a grown woman’s Disneyland. Jana Hocking

And in man heaven I was.

There were maybe three, four, possibly five other women there and honestly, I’m guessing 200 men.

Over the next couple of hours, we sat at a table in the sun drinking wine, eating hot chips and staring at these wondrous creatures in their natural habitat.

The pub.

Now listen, we weren’t going to get much small talk out of them while the game was on, but once it finished, they came alive.

Turns out a simple, no-frills pub may be the best place for women to find single men. Getty Images

They were in a good mood because footy season was back (hurrah … and all that jazz) and we were in a good mood because they were giving us the “How you doing” eyes.

In the past week, I spoke to more men in the wild than I have on any darn dating app.

For all our whining about never meeting anyone in real life, it turns out we were just hanging out in the wrong spots.

I’ve previously done my good deed by informing men that if they want to meet women, they should start going to brunch, but perhaps we women should follow the same idea and start going places where the menfolk gather.

For me this week, it was after-work drinks near places men tend to work and the pub during the footy.

I think we should probably also venture to some country races, and actual sports tournaments.

Now we’re talking!

It’s not rocket science when you think about it. Just remember all the times we’ve gotten ourselves dolled up to go places where there’s barely a single man in sight.

Oh, the outfits we’ve wasted.