
Catholic group targets swing states to blast Biden on border policies that exploit the ‘poor and vulnerable’

The largest US lay Catholic advocacy organization is going up with TV ads in three 2024 swing states, flaming President Biden — America’s second-ever Roman Catholic president — over his failure to secure the southern border.

CatholicVote’s six-figure ad buy will target observant voters in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin — all states where Biden narrowly defeated Donald Trump in 2020 — and aims to show the suffering taking place due to Biden’s inaction on illegal immigration.

The ad, shared exclusively with The Post, highlights the suffering migrants undergo during their trek through Mexico, including threats from “rapists, drug smugglers, human traffickers and criminals.”

“They raped us so many times … they didn’t see us as human beings anymore,” the ad quotes one testimony.


The commercial also notes there are 1.8 million “gotaways” and over 85,000 children currently in the US, and concludes with the imploring tagline, “Protect the Vulnerable. Secure our Border.” 


“This violent and often deadly exploitation of the vulnerable has reached crisis levels, yet our nation’s second Catholic president has refused to lift a finger to address it,” said CatholicVote President Brian Burch.

“The Biden administration is the enemy of social justice, helping facilitate the greatest exploitation of the poor and vulnerable in our nation’s history,” he added. “The dangerous and tragic cruelty unfolding daily at our southern border cries out for justice. Every day rapists, drug smugglers, human traffickers and criminals of every stripe move freely and prey upon desperate migrants and innocent Americans.”

Children were wrapped in blankets due to cold weather as migrants turned themselves into U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at a makeshift camp, February 19, 2024 near Jacumba Hot Springs, California. James Keivom

Biden came into office vowing to do away with Trump’s hard-line border policies.

His actions have led to a record-breaking number of migrant encounters during the Democrat’s term and polls show the border has become a top issue for voters around the country.

The Biden administration has blamed Congressional inaction for the migrant crisis. The president visited the southern border last week — for just the second time during his administration — and is expected to discuss the issue in detail at his State of The Union address Thursday night.

“This is not a president who cares or even understands the plight of the weak and vulnerable,” Burch said.

“Any attempt to paint a rosy picture of the country in his State of the Union address will be seen for what it is – shameful political posturing designed to save himself from a country that has zero confidence in his ability to protect those who need him the most.”