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Two WWII-era bazooka rounds found in town river in the same week

Two projectiles believed locally to be from World War II-era shipments have been discovered in the same week in Massachusetts’ Charles River, says the Mass. State Police.

Both were discovered under the Kendrick Bridge in Needham, Massachusetts via magnet fishing.

In a statement provided to Fox News Digital, “At approximately 1 PM today two members of the Massachusetts State Police Bomb Squad responded to Needham after a person fishing with a magnet pulled another deteriorated military ordnance piece from the Charles River.”

“The object was determined to be an old, possibly WWII-era heavily deteriorated bazooka round.”

Citing using “an abundance of caution,” the Mass. State Police Bomb Squad members called to the scene transported the bazooka round to a secure location where it was counter-charged.

The first ordnance to be discovered in Needham this past week may be even older, according to the Mass. State Police: “Last week a magnet fisherman pulled a deteriorated projectile, believed to date from the WW1 or WW2 era, from the same stretch of river.” 

It is still unconfirmed as to why these 20th-century projectiles are being found both at the present time and in the Charles River.

Two projectiles that are believed to be from World War II-era shipments were found in the Charles River in Massachusetts.
Two projectiles that are believed to be from World War II-era shipments were found in the Charles River in Massachusetts. Massachusetts State Police
Two World War II-era projectiles found under Kendrick Bridge in Massachusetts' Charles River.
Both projectiles were found under the Kendrick Bridge by magnet fishing. Massachusetts State Police

Some local magnet fishermen shared anecdotally that the projectiles may have fallen off shipments in the river during World War II.

The City of Needham, Massachusetts did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.